Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey guys, I was just looking for a replacement bulb for my mathmos fludium and was wondering if these bulbs will work? 

I ran across these 



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As Marcel suggested, the 40w halogen reflector spots are the stye that Mathmos now sell for the Fluidium.

However, in my experience they cause overheating, so I'd recommend using a dimmer switch with them.

Alternatively, you can use a 30w spot (as used in the Mathmos Jet, Baby, and Telstars). It'll take longer to get started but then flow perfectly for hours.

Oh okay. Awesome. Can you send me a link to one you suggest? Im currently in the United States so I cant find one online lol

Mark said:

As Marcel suggested, the 40w halogen reflector spots are the stye that Mathmos now sell for the Fluidium.

However, in my experience they cause overheating, so I'd recommend using a dimmer switch with them.

Alternatively, you can use a 30w spot (as used in the Mathmos Jet, Baby, and Telstars). It'll take longer to get started but then flow perfectly for hours.

Marcel's 40w halogen reflectors are a very fair price (and Mathmos have been out of stock for as long as I can remember!): http://goolamp.com/en/bulbs/42-40w-drop-bulb-e14-.html

These are the 30w spots: https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=3...  although trying to work out best price and quality these days is a bit of a minefield.

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