Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

VOXul's Comments

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At 8:58pm on April 7, 2020, Robert Israel said…

Would you be willing to sell your Darkstar?

At 8:57pm on February 10, 2020, norush said…

LOL! I'm using a power adapter from a Christmas tree top angel on mine now.

At 4:27pm on February 10, 2020, norush said…

I have the Lumisource plasma light but didn't have the power cord with light switch.

At 3:53pm on February 10, 2020, norush said…

YEs I could still use that info. Thank you for following up.

At 2:33pm on November 25, 2019, D. Carney said…


At 6:34pm on November 1, 2016, Aladdin 2 Lava said…

All is well Nick... hows you?

Thanks for the great link, at my age he was awarded the "Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award". He also portrayed physicist "Nikola Tesla" in the Christopher Nolan film, "The Prestige".

Seldom a day goes by when he doesn't come into my head  :(

At 11:22am on October 1, 2016, Keith said…

lol, Go Joe!!

80s kids commercial toy gi joe

At 8:35am on September 16, 2015, Carol said…

CONGRATS Vox!!!!!!!!

At 6:04pm on August 17, 2015, Carol said…
Damn, I wanted to know if it was worth buying, lol!!!
At 8:44am on August 17, 2015, Carol said…

Vox, this is the light I was referring to earlier.  I could have sworn somebody said they had gotten one and were impressed by it.  I was thinking it was you...but no?


At 8:24pm on August 10, 2015, Carol said…

Hey Vox, don't you have a hypnolite by LL?  They have a brand new one on ebay.  How do you like yours?  If memory serves me (which it doesn't very often, lol)  didn't you say you were impressed by it?

At 1:09pm on June 8, 2015, Aladdin 2 Lava said…

My life in a GIF !!!

Stay your way!

At 8:34am on April 10, 2015, Aladdin 2 Lava said…

Happy Birthday Nick :)

At 8:26am on March 5, 2015, Aladdin 2 Lava said…

Congratulations Nick... You feature creature you!!!

Up Where You Belong!!!

Stay Your Way   ;)

At 1:29pm on January 23, 2015, Aladdin 2 Lava said…

Thank you Nick... just perfect... smiling through the darkness  :)

At 2:11pm on January 8, 2015, Aladdin 2 Lava said…

Oh my gosh !!! I forgot... call myself a Bowie fan... shame on me !

Thanks for putting up the photo and reminding me Nick.

Good an excuse as any to finish off the drop of Whiskey left over from Christmas !!!


At 1:31pm on December 29, 2014, Keith said…


Glad to be of help!!

At 3:56am on November 13, 2014, Aladdin 2 Lava said…

.... or off !!! ....hee hee  ;)

At 3:51am on November 13, 2014, Aladdin 2 Lava said…

Have a great time Nick.... 'Costa effing Rico'.... get yer short shorts on!  ;)   lol


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