Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Found this lamp for sale. Seller says wax doesn’t work. Do you think I can save this lamp?

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Will it now flow?

Yeah it will be fine. It will take a long time to heat. But it will recover

Ok Thanks. I think it is a grande and I can get it pretty cheap I guess. If just running it for a long while will fix it I would be really pleased. Worth a try I guess.

I have 6 of them. They can take up to 6 hours to get flowing depending on the temperature of the room! 

Decided to buy it for 22,5 Euros. And now we wait and see.

Does it have a white cap with red lettering or is it a black heat shrink seal covering the cap?

It has a white cap with red lettering.

Mr MaGoo said:

Does it have a white cap with red lettering or is it a black heat shrink seal covering the cap?

Been running it for 8 hours no. No change in the wax whatsoever...

Check the label inside the base and see if you are using the correct bulb.

Yeah. Turns out It had a 60W bulb instead of a 100w. Thanks. Somebody on Facebook already made me look if the bulb was correct. Now I just have to find one online. I live in the Netherlands and no luck so far.

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