Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


I've had a Mathmos Astro Baby Lava lamp for almost a month now (I'm based in the US and used forward2me). The original unit was faulty so Mathmos sent me a replacement and I ate the shipping cost again, which I wasn't thrilled about, but the replacement worked so I was a happy camper. This morning however, I went to turn my lava lamp on and the light flashed on then immediately turned off. The lamp won't power on now. I have a spare bulb I can try out, but I'm wondering if anyone may have any idea what the issue could be or may have experienced something similar. I'm in the US and using a step up converter (LiteFuze LC-300US 300Watt). If my spare bulb doesn't do the trick, then I'm thinking of testing with an electrical kit. Any advice or troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated! 

First time poster,


Also - below's a snap of when my lamp was working that I grabbed a few weeks ago for fun. I hope to get it running again soon! FWIW - nothing else was powered on in the outlet I'm using this morning. The light on the converter is on and my turntable also powers on so I believe the issue must be with the lamp itself)

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well... the spare bulb worked, but I'm still a little concerned. the bulb that was in the unit when it immediately turned off earlier was sent to me with the original unit so it should have lasted longer than 1 month. luckily - they sent me another bulb with the replacement unit. perhaps the issue has something to do with my setup / step up converter (or maybe it's just a faulty bulb). do you all think I should be concerned? for now - I'll leave the lamp powered off until hearing back.

Had the same experience with Mathmos halogen bulbs. One even stopped working after just 5 minutes of use. Some break right away and other work just fine.

I dont know much about lightbulbs but i think moving or slightly bumping the lamp while running could be one of the reasons.

At least on higher wattage halogen bulbs that can cause the fillament to melt into the glass.

Thanks for the insight, Elias! I'm powering her back up and I guess my next move will be looking into some spare bulbs :)

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