Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

$500 for a Plasma phenomenon can you imagine, have cash now. FOUND 2 OF THEM, NO LONGER LOOKING

Like it says I'll pay $500 for a phenomenon plasma tube from can you imagine.  PM or email me at rocklord@live.com.  thanks!!!!

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Something to think about...take a look at this video link below.  The designer of the plasma lamps in the video Carl designs custom made plasma tubes that are exceptional.  I think he may still be selling his designs you can look him up or reach out to him as I did here 


At one point I was going to buy one of the tubes displayed in his video which at the time was for sale.   Carl even had them displayed gallery style at an upscale eatery I frequented in Albuquerque's, Nob Hill when he first designed the lamps in the video.  As we all know Albuquerque is not only home to the invention of the computer but also the home of Oozing Goo.  That all being said if I were you I would reach out to him for a custom lamp or wait until another one of the lamps you're looking for appears on ebay.  Just look under motion lamps or plasma lamps.  I usually see them under motion lamps whenever I'm looking to add to my motion lamp collection.  Rarely do I see them appear under CAN YOU IMAGINE - CYI by the way is one of my favorite designers. Some of the sh-t HPI can You Imagine kicked out was crazy cool.  I really like the  Laser Twilight Projectors the most.  I have three that are placed conspicuously in several areas of my great room and when I kick them all on the roof looks like a real galaxy.  The projectors unreal and the galaxy moves giving you this far out ethereal feel - unlike any galaxy roof projector I've ever seen.  Good luck with your search.  

Wow, your a wealth of knowledge. Thanks so much for all that info, I'd like to reach out to him with a custom order.  Those Laser Twilight Projectors are super killer to, I'll have to pick me up a couple. On a good note I did end up scoring 2 phenomenons today from a member here.  Still need a megavolt though!!  Thanks again so much for the info and the link. Have a great weekend buddy. 

Thanks for the help everyone, scored 2 of them today 

Heres a quick pic, the other one is boxed. 20200612_191218.gif

Glad you found them LOL

Ha!  Yeap, super cool dude to sold them to me.  0616201813%7E2.jpg

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