Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I moved from NY to GA and man did that thing get shaken in the truck. I needed to redo the liquid in it. I checked all over for ratios for the grande, but couldn't find any. So here's what I did

- Rinsed out with distilled water

- Refilled until about an 2 inches of space was left at top

- Used 4 table spoons of dissolved Epsom salt in a new solution.

- Poured that into lamp with rest of distilled water

- Used maybe 1/2 teaspoon of bubble solution for the surficant

This resulted in what you see above. 

Then I emptied out a bit of the liquid and replaced about an inch with pure distilled water and about the same result.


Here is also a video to show what is going on. 

So what element do I need to add more of to get the wax to fall and start flowing?

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you should have waited to see the floatation after it was heated up,  before adding anything that would change the specific gravity. 

 unfortunately I did not do that this is what I have at the moment I have revived a couple of the regular I think 14 in lava lamps doing it the way that I have done but this was the first time I tried one of the Grande's

Btw. Same problem here moved last year and found out after arriving that the rubber seal failed without me knowing. Alot of the solution ended up on the floor. Drained and stored old solution, took measured steps adding salt and soap. Now the lava rises to the top and stays there. Occasionally smaller bits break off and settle to the side of the glass.

It has worked on occasion. I think the chemistry is close but not close enough. 


too much salt has adjusted the specific gravity so it wants to float all the time

Duskb said:

Btw. Same problem here moved last year and found out after arriving that the rubber seal failed without me knowing. Alot of the solution ended up on the floor. Drained and stored old solution, took measured steps adding salt and soap. Now the lava rises to the top and stays there. Occasionally smaller bits break off and settle to the side of the glass.

It has worked on occasion. I think the chemistry is close but not close enough. 


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