Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So-I suck at math.

I just emptied and cleaned the glass-it only holds 2 cups of water. The goo kit includes enough to refurbish a 250 OZ lamp. 

20% goo to water ratio.

If my lamp holds 2 cups that is 16 oz so this means I add 1/4 cup of goo to 3 cups water right?



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Seems like a good starting point. You can always add more wax when needed by dropping chunks in.

OK thanks! I'm going to do my best to figure out the surfactant amount. 

I got brave today and dug into the goo kit.

All is fine but I think I put in too much surfactant?

I hope the attached pic comes through.

 The wax has been here at the top for about 1/2 hour now.

Wondering if I can just let it cool, take out some of the distilled water, then add more water-to dilute the surfactant amount? 


Goo kits run on less wattage

Try using a dimmer or instal a lesser wattage bulb

thanks. I ended up emptying and starting over. i added a bit more than the 5 ml surf. getting a dimmer switch today. fun to experiment and glad the journey vs the destination was palatable. I think I'm there...

I have finally made a tutorial after restoring nearly 1000 globes in my lifetime.
got tired of typing it over and over
Follow these directions and you will be ok

BTY, I buy SURF in quantity. it comes in a gel-ish state and requires some diluting with distilled water
Magntower buys the same thing so measurement is really a "general rule of thumb" unless they get specific in the amount of distilled water used per gallon/quart in order to dilute it.

What I do is dump in  @2inches of SURF after cleaning the bottle, ROLL the bottle to coat it to avoid bubbles, then pour it back into the same bottle for reuse.for next one

Then, if you need, more SURF because the surface tension is not breaking, you can add more
See attached

susan said:

thanks. I ended up emptying and starting over. i added a bit more than the 5 ml surf. getting a dimmer switch today. fun to experiment and glad the journey vs the destination was palatable. I think I'm there...

Thank you SOOOOOO Much! Printing out now.

Claude J said:

I have finally made a tutorial after restoring nearly 1000 globes in my lifetime.
got tired of typing it over and over
Follow these directions and you will be ok

BTY, I buy SURF in quantity. it comes in a gel-ish state and requires some diluting with distilled water
Magntower buys the same thing so measurement is really a "general rule of thumb" unless they get specific in the amount of distilled water used per gallon/quart in order to dilute it.

What I do is dump in  @2inches of SURF after cleaning the bottle, ROLL the bottle to coat it to avoid bubbles, then pour it back into the same bottle for reuse.for next one

Then, if you need, more SURF because the surface tension is not breaking, you can add more
See attached

susan said:

thanks. I ended up emptying and starting over. i added a bit more than the 5 ml surf. getting a dimmer switch today. fun to experiment and glad the journey vs the destination was palatable. I think I'm there...

newbie question: on your tutorial is the measurement of the lamps just the glass vase (globe?) part or the whole lamp?

here this will add clarity for you

Thank you again for this incredibly packed info source! So-I do have a question. I've redone this lamp so many times. Talking goo kit here AFTER several attempts at the epsom salt etc. Rather than get a dimmer I got a 25 w bulb and replaced the 30.It took a week to get the bulb, and during that time I left the globe without the top on (maybe useful info?)  The 25 heated up ok but the wax just stayed like it is in pic 1. I added a bit more surf. which didn't help. (first had 5ml then bumped it up to about 8-9 ml.) Was going to empty and start fresh (prob will today) but decided to try putting in the 30w again. Soon the wax was at least breaking free and rising up but soon settled again. So-ideas? Pour out SOME of the fluid or start again with the great instructions provided here?  BTW the 25 w bulb brought the water up to around 120-125, the 30 up another 25 degrees. 32 oz globe. 2 identical pics attached not sure if the heic will come through. 


Use propylene Glycol to adjust the specific gravity (flotation)\

It should float fine at 125 deg

I changed the water yesterday with similar results-but thought to add just a few drops of dish soap to the wax and it seemed to do the trick! It was so so satisfying and mesmerizing to finally get a good result. Not sure I am totally there yet but experimenting has been fun.  Am getting some Propylene Glycol tomorrow just to have on hand. 

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