Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

How many lamps/lighting effects do you have in your collection?

I've updated this thread to include all lighting effects, such as projectors, boiler lamps, glitter lamps, fibre optics, wave machines etc. Reading threads on this forum it seems some of us have a lot of lava lamps and other decorative lighting effects, loads and loads in fact. We used to have loads back in the early 2000's but we thinned them all down, so now it's not really a collection anymore. But we do own a couple of lighting projectors and a collection of oil wheels. 

You don't have to give details of the actual lamps in your collection if you'd rather not, but feel free to join in if you wish, even just a number is great, a bit of light hearted collectors conversation :) Or just comment if you like. 

Our collection stands at four lamps and around ten bottles for the Astro Baby, seven for the Astro. We are waiting for some interesting colour combinations to add to our bottle collection. 

Mathmos 90's brushed aluminium Astro (in use)

Mathmos White Astro Baby (in use)

Crestworth Coach lantern with a green liquid, red wax bottle (stored away)

Mathmos 50th Anniversary lamp, boxed (stored away)

Our other passion is projectors and lighting effects, such as oil wheels kaleidoscope lens. So we have 25 different oil wheels, a selection of picture wheels a kaleidoscope lens with two projectors, LED solar 250 and a small Opti Aura. 

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I don't have an inventory. Each box holds 15 globes or bases so about 7 lamps a uhaul box so with everything else maybe about 100 in storage.

And about 20 on display.

Pushing 300. One day I’ll have a count up but they’re everywhere with many boxed and hiding.

Collection is around 75 lamps. Keep a handful out displayed and in use, and rotate them for interest. I have a dedicated but small lava closet for extra storage, which I love to open just look at the boxes sometimes. I maintain an Excel inventory list, one cell color represents the color of the wax, the liquid and base color, size, style, etc.

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