Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Does anybody know what the new first 100 due to be released from Mathmos is? I'm guessing they will announced the actual item nearer the 15th June. I'm not on any social media sites to be able to take a look. Thanks for any info :)

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Braided cable aswell, nice touch (feared this would ship with the standard white cable, which looks pretty jarring with a black base)

Has anyone purchased one? I bought one for my hubby, although my basket crashed trying to pay, so I had to go through the process again, 3 mins past 11am lol. I'm hoping to surprise him with a first 100 lamp. I slipped up though, I meant to add a clear and plumb bottle, but added a yellow and orange instead, never mind, it's a small matter, I hope he likes it :)

I grabbed one, I also had basket issues but the receipt I got said 11:01 - no idea how accurate that is though, it felt longer.

It's the first time I've ordered something on release so I've no idea how fast the first 100 go.

The braided cord is a really nice touch, hopefully they'll carry it forward to other editions, the cables can sometimes look out of place

Hubby is excited, I really, really hope I made the cut it's his Birthday present. He's been out this morning so the purchase was down to me! No pressure there lol. He's just got back in and asked if I'd managed to order him one, yes my reply was, then followed by, erm, not sure if I made the 100 cut or not. He just loves the lamp, then I followed it up with the news of the wrong bottle colour (me rushing) but he's ok with that, we will use our existing clear and plum in there. It's the first time I've tried to buy a first 100 edition, seems very popular. Ours won't be sold on though, you often see low numbers appear on ebay within days of launch, that's annoying lol, especially when you wanted one to keep and not sell on. 

An idea for another Astro or Astro Baby lamp, a compact disc lamp. Iridescent finish, shiny like a compact disc...............:)

Checked my receipt it said 10.03, I guess that means 11.03 lol. What a distraction you had, sounds beautiful, its been years since we went to Blackpool, great place to visit. 

You're lucky!

I'm a bit further North, up near Lancaster, and it's cloudy today.  Looks like it really wants to rain.

No idea about your time! that's a bit weird. (EDIT: just checked mine, the receipt itself says 10:01, it's my mail inbox that says 11:01.  Maybe they forgot to shift their clocks!)

Does anyone know how long these editions tend to hang around for?  I'd love to get another one as my daughter is going through a bit of a vinyl phase atm, but funds are a bit tight this month

Jezza said:

My receipt says 10.08? How does that work? It was gone 11 when i ordered it. So hopefully a first 100 but we'll see. I got the violet turquoise. My fav colourway. 

I was rather late to the game as i was out shopping. Fleetwood and Cleveleys are beautiful and stunning today. The waters off Blackpool are crystal clear and you can see right over to the isle of man. So I was a bit distracted. 

I think the edition is staying as a new range, I'm not 100 sure though, please someone correct me if that's not the case. The first 100 have sold out, so the lamp won't carry the logo, first 100. 
MonsoonStorm said:

You're lucky!

I'm a bit further North, up near Lancaster, and it's cloudy today.  Looks like it really wants to rain.

No idea about your time! that's a bit weird. (EDIT: just checked mine, the receipt itself says 10:01, it's my mail inbox that says 11:01.  Maybe they forgot to shift their clocks!)

Does anyone know how long these editions tend to hang around for?  I'd love to get another one as my daughter is going through a bit of a vinyl phase atm, but funds are a bit tight this month

Jezza said:

My receipt says 10.08? How does that work? It was gone 11 when i ordered it. So hopefully a first 100 but we'll see. I got the violet turquoise. My fav colourway. 

I was rather late to the game as i was out shopping. Fleetwood and Cleveleys are beautiful and stunning today. The waters off Blackpool are crystal clear and you can see right over to the isle of man. So I was a bit distracted. 

I couldn't find any info on what's different about the first 100 version. It might just be a sticker on the Box like they did with the Pod.

I saw a photo on their site (which I cannot find now) It showed a sticker on the top of the bottle cone, saying first 100 Mathmos Vinyl Astro. 

The vinyl astro is staying as mathmos say it will be in its complete range normally the sticker is on the base and the box for the first editions not sure if it's on the cap though it's always been at the base of the lamp these sold out so quick I miss the first 100 but still cool lamp I wonder if the black astro might get discontinued as this is far nicer edition

I'm not sure to be honest, I saw this photo on their website, that's where I got the idea of the label from. 

john said:

The vinyl astro is staying as mathmos say it will be in its complete range normally the sticker is on the base and the box for the first editions not sure if it's on the cap though it's always been at the base of the lamp these sold out so quick I miss the first 100 but still cool lamp I wonder if the black astro might get discontinued as this is far nicer edition

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