Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I recently bought a 27" tall lava lamp from Lava. It's nice, but has a very minor leak that only happens for a moment during the initial heat up, after turn on. When off, the water is lower than it usually would be in the more common smaller lamps. The water rises slowly, almost to the top, and a little leaks out of a small hole, like a few drops. Then the water lowers again, but to the bottom of the matching cap with the base. Is it possible to fix this small leak? How do I do it, and should I do it just after the leak comes and stops, so that as little Oxygen is trapped inside as possible?

Please remember, as the photos show, that the seal on the globe is not a bottlecap, but more of juice jar cap, with glue of some kind.

Let me know if you need more photos. In the close up you can see kind of where the leak is, and the place the leak cumulates under the decretive cap.


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The seal on a grande is a rubber stopper that plugs the opening and is held in place by an aluminum cap crimped onto the lip of the bottle. I don't think the stopper is glued into place normally. Or at least didn't use to be. Now that I think of it I believe the factory didn't bother to put in the stopper and just glued the cap directly onto the glass in your case. I recommend not fixing and getting a refund/replacement for this one.

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