Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

replacement bottle advice for Crestworth (?) 'non original' lamp

Hello everyone

I've joined your forum as i'm looking for some advice on my old lava lamp. I thought I'd add some history first. Stay with me! :)

I bought this lamp in my late teens in Camden town, I loved it for years. I kept it on my bedroom widow ledge, eventually the sun faded the blue liquid to clear. Then i ruined it by adding too much food colouring, so much you couldnt see the red wax! The lamp was banished to  the loft, and there it stayed for decades... until last week.

I got it down thinking i could maybe sell it for a few quid on ebay - I'm clearing out the loft at last!. The liquid was thick and foggy, so i tipped it all out, filled with fresh water ( i hadnt done any research on refilling at this stage), replaced the bulb and switched on - despite its shabby appearance It worked straight away but after a few hours the wax was settled in the bottle and didnt go anywhere else. The Stalactite stage was worth watching though)

I read on here that Mathmos used to be Crestworth (you can see by the base sticker why i thought the lamp was made by Creatworth) so i got in touch with them regarding a replacement bottle only to be told it wasnt an original Crestworth, so they couldnt help

So here I am asking if anyone might know where i could get a replacement bottle for my lamp. I understand I can refill myself but at this stage that seems like a bit of a faff, and it's too hot for a faff.... the bottles dimensions are 280mm x 71mm if thats of any help. I'm assuming the lamp is just a copy so i cant say what make it is. The label looks like Crestworth but perhaps theres another brand with the same letters at the start of the name?

either way it would be nice to know any info on it.

many thanks in advance, Daniel

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Hi, looks like a genuine Crestworth "Rocket", these are nice lamps and quite collectable - there's one on eBay now in pretty good condition for £260, BUT yours shows the typical issues, I'm afraid - these were made for some reason with poor chrome - other Forum members can perhaps give you more info on why, it just always seems to happen with these lamps - the chrome gets really shabby and unsightly if they don't get TLC.I believe they can be re-chromed but it's a hassle and quite expensive.

The bottle is a standard Mathmos/Crestworth Jet bottle, with a cap made from a cut-down T-cap, don't throw it out it can be refilled, and the bottle is no longer made. Putting water in there has probably killed off any chance of saving the wax, but it can be refilled by an enthusiast, with lava or glitter.

Good to see another nice lamp resurfacing!

A bit like my Rocket only yours is in much better condition!
Good luck with refurb. It’ll be worth it. I REALLY need to do the same with mine.
Good luck with refurb. It’ll be worth it. I REALLY need to do the same with mine.
Good luck with refurb. It’ll be worth it. I REALLY need to do the same with mine.
Good luck with refurb. It’ll be worth it. I REALLY need to do the same with mine.
Good luck with refurb. It’ll be worth it. I REALLY need to do the same with mine.

thanks for your reply Andy

Odd that Mathmos said it wasnt genuine, maybe i got the work experience kid on email duty that day!

Guess i'll have to bite the bullet and learn how to refill the bottle myself, unless i buy a new bottle from mathmos and transfer the contents to my old bottle somehow! That could be messy in many ways....

andy ross said:

Hi, looks like a genuine Crestworth "Rocket", these are nice lamps and quite collectable - there's one on eBay now in pretty good condition for £260, BUT yours shows the typical issues, I'm afraid - these were made for some reason with poor chrome - other Forum members can perhaps give you more info on why, it just always seems to happen with these lamps - the chrome gets really shabby and unsightly if they don't get TLC.I believe they can be re-chromed but it's a hassle and quite expensive.

The bottle is a standard Mathmos/Crestworth Jet bottle, with a cap made from a cut-down T-cap, don't throw it out it can be refilled, and the bottle is no longer made. Putting water in there has probably killed off any chance of saving the wax, but it can be refilled by an enthusiast, with lava or glitter.

Good to see another nice lamp resurfacing!

Thankyou! :)

Modulo '70 said:

Good luck with refurb. It’ll be worth it. I REALLY need to do the same with mine.

Daniel - PM sent

sorry Andy, Missed that.... Undecided on whether to refurb or just ebay it at this stage...

Hello, of course the lamp is original. It's a Crestworth Rocket and it's the only lamp that was chromed back then. You can use any jet bottle as a replacement bottle, or bottles from the Nordic or Comet. However, you would have to replace the T-Cap so that the Rocket Cap fits on the bottle.
With one of the most beautiful lamps from the Crestworth era!
A restoration including new chrome plating will definitely be worth it!
If you can't or don't want to, send me the lamp and I'll do it for you!!!

kind regards Christian 

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