Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Has anyone tried the new Oneshot Masterfluid sold on Ebay yet and if so what were the results etc ?  

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I've seen several successes with it. I have some shipping to me currently, I'll let you know how it goes.

recieved it and put it in my #21 that I had tried to redye unsuccessfully. first heat up revealed the fluid was too dense, and upon talking with ozone gifts I realized I hadn't stirred enough. I poured it back into the carton & tried again, & this time the results were amazing. It did need a tiny bit of adjustment to get it just right, but once that was accomplished this lamp flows just as well as my other #21 with its original fluid and dye. I have also put this fluid in my consort, and while i haven't been able to try it yet due to its bulb being burnt out I am excited for that too as I have seen the results of someone elses lamp already. I have a few more lamps I want to do with this fluid as well.

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