Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have an enchantress that wasn't flowing well and had lost some liquid so I thought I would try to replace the liquid.

I tried a bunch of things, all of them failed. I want to try to reuse the original wax if I can, but I need help.

I have heard that using epsom salt can damage the coil and shouldn't be used, but I don't know how to change the density of the water if I don't use epsom salt. Will pickling or canning salt also cause damage to the coil?

I had a magma tower goo kit from another project, so first I tried simply cleaning and refilling the globe with reverse osmosis water and a small amount of surfactant. I filled the globe to about an inch under the top and dropped the surfactant in a little at a time, and eventually ended up using 2/3 of my 6oz bottle (had to syringe liquid out to add more surfactant), but the lava just sat in a liquid blob at the bottom of the lamp.

Then I did a trial where I started getting some movement with epsom salt, but didn't add any surfactant at all in the beginning and wax stuck to the sides (later read it was important to swirl it around the globe to prevent sticking). In this trial, it took 3 tablespoons of epsom to get any movement in the wax. 3 TBSP seems like a lot in a globe that has only 3-4 cups capacity for liquid. Even though I had movement, the wax was stuck to the side (really bad in one spot, it was like an anchor) so I dumped it out, totally fed up, and left it sitting empty for 2 months!

Today I thought I'd try again. I have the lamp, the globe emptied and cleaned again. I swirled 7ml of surfactant around the globe (wax cold, no liquid) then added 2 cups of reverse osmosis water (about 1/2 the globe is full). I turned the lamp on for several hours and the wax melted. The globe looks incredibly clean having been heated up and had a little water and surfactant in the globe. Nothing moved though. 

What should I do now? Add more RO water until it's full? Dump it out and refill it then add surfactant? Seems like that's exactly what I did the first time and it didn't work. I am weary because I feel like I have tried a lot of things, but have not found results and been told I was wrong to use epsom salt, which was the only thing that gave me some results.

Please help!

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you could try adding small abounts of glycerin or propylene glycol. I'd add when the lamp is cold so you can mix it with the reat properly. good luck

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