Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello, a few years ago my mom gave me one of her Fantasia 7000 glitter lamps. Everything has been fine with it up until a few months ago. All of the silvered glitter turned transparent and I am unsure why. She thinks it is possibly no longer sealed and oxygen got to it, but this cap is glued on SOLID. I am using the same wattage/type of bulb that she has always used in the lamp, which is 40w. I recently compared the bulb to the one in her Fantasia and it's exactly the same. Anyway, I need to fix this. I've never restored a glitter or lava lamp before but from what I can see, I need to get a kit like this one


As for the cap, I included a picture of the cap and the glue around it. I briefly attempted to take it off with a strap wrench but it didn't budge. Then I decided to post here before trying anything else to see what the best approach might be. I have a heat gun and X-Acto knife, and I can get any type of solvent if it's recommended. The cap appears to be brushed aluminum like the base but I am unsure if there is any plastic in the threading part of the cap.

Please let me know if you have any recommendations or suggestions for the cap or refill media, any are welcome and appreciated.

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Have you tried standing the globe upside down to cap level in very hot (not boiling) water for a while? 

You're trying to melt the glue, so if that's no good, a hair dryer on full heat would be my first choice, (a heat gun can be too powerful and damage the finish)

When the glue is heated, then's the time for your strap wrench...

Most reason for glitter degradation is that you left the lamp on far too long and the liquid became hot as in very HOT.  This will cause the chromatic coating to dissapear.  Be mindful of buying replacement glitter.  I purchased two grande lamps worth from a seller here on oozing goo and within a year being super careful to only run he lamps a few hours nightly the large halo flakes became transparent same as you see with your lamp.  Has nothing to do with air getting in trust me.  I believe the liquid and glitter I purchased had not been tested for any real length of time. The chemicals untested that were used degraded the glitter.  It broke my heart becasue the glitter was beautiful when I completed two grande lamps. I spent 350 dollars for nothing but a few good memories. Nice while the glitter lasted.  I did not get a refund in fact i was blown off.  I fallowed exact sealing of the lamp instructions the seller provided to the T and it was not the first time I created different lamps that have stood the test of time.  See uploaded pics of my creations using original LAVA LITE or other manufacturers glitter.  Best bet find yourself a cheap for sale glitter lamp on ebay then open your lamp and replace- that simple. You can find plenty that come up for auction that still flow as they should.  Be careful purchasing vintage fantasia lamp liquid and glitter - per·​chlo·​ro·​eth·​y·​lene was used and it's highly dangerous to breathe and incredibly toxic as in cancer causing effects and the smell even in a well ventilated room take a long time to clear from the room you open the bottle.  Open outside if you decide to go the original route.  I learned my lesson one day opening in a room with large windows on all four sides and the smell as toxic as it smelled lingered for a couple of days.  Biggest mistake ever.  Some glitter lamps for sale on ebay have no odor and are much more safe for you and the environment.  Now get busy and post pictures of the newly revamped lamp. :)

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