Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello Oozing Goo!

I bought this 1990 Midnight screw top a few days ago. 

Unfortunately, when I brought it home, I noticed it was leaking from the top when tilted slightly.   

Also the coil is in really bad shape.  So I would like to give a go at dyeing the liquid and wax.

I have concerns on the toxicity of the fluid.  Even after trying to dry off the globe a few days ago, it still looks wet today.  I'm a little worried about getting it on my skin, or breathing it.  Does anyone know what the fluid was like in 1990?

Thank you!

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You're fine as long as you don't drink it. Its pretty harmless.

TRUE - unless you drink the liquid you may get sick.  Otherwise the fluids are harmless.  I've restored many lamps to date and nothing harmful ever.  I do not receommend opening Fantasia Glitter lamps since they are mostly percoethylene which is super carcinogenic also goes by the name of PERC.  The smell alone takes a day to clear from a room that's fully ventilated.  I know...I've done it before before I found out it was harmful.  

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