Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Pam on End of the Rainbow added a hell of lot more retired USA globes. I just ordered a Red/Blue 32oz. Some are decent prices but her prices are high but where else can you find those globes NEW. I know she got them from LW 3 years ago when they had them up on their site. I bought all the 52oz globes and the flow was amazing, the ones I got where from 2001. The 32oz globes they had up had bad flow well flow that just needed to be broken in and were from 2002. But she has TEAL, GREEN, AND GREEN WHITE AND PINK CLEAR, VERY RARE combos and GREEN WHITE AND RED WHITE in 52oz AMERICAN MADE. I would say its safe to say they'll be up there for a while with those prices :P

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No problem, Only thing is she is so damn expensive, I remember 3 years ago when LW had them on their site a 32oz globe was $14.99 and 52oz was $17.50. $40-$50 bucks a globe is high.
Yeah, that was 3 years ago. :) - As with anything, prices go up based on demand.
Oh well, she still has a lot of nice ones though.
I just ordered some 52oz (Green / White and Blue / Red) I tried to order 32oz #29- Yellow / Green and a 52oz Red / White, but the site said they were "not orderable". Damn! I was so excited to see those there, and then to be denied- that really sucked. Oh well, at least I got 2 that were missing from my collection. My opinion is that 50 bucks is no problem for me seeing as these are brand new, and impossible to find even on ebay.

Thanks so much for the heads up MattMJB0188, I wouldn't have found that on my own- kinda gave up on the rainbow site. Funny how she held out on releasing these until now though, especially if she bought them 3 yrs ago. Weird.
Oh I know right, but she held off as they went way up in demand. Kinda surprised to hear that she doesn't have Red/White or Yellow/Lime and they're still up on her site. Try contacting her I bet she has them, she could of bought a ton of them 3 years ago as the price was $17.50/globe

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