Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

About a week ago I posted about my Blue/Green 1973 LavaLite Aristocrat lamp that I got from my HFH ReStore. Well, it flowed okay the first night but then I noticed there were bubbles in the wax. I thought nothing much of it, and thought they would go away. I ran it every night and never paid that much attention to it, it still flowed okay though. However for the past few days it's been forming bubbles of liquid at the bottom which shoot up, and now almost all the wax blobs that form are formed from these bubbles. I thought it might have something to do with the pressure inside the lamp. I know there's no real solution to bubbles being there in the wax, but is anyone familiar with this occurrence of the bubbles actually forming down at the bottom, and is there a way I can stop these bubbles from forming at the bottom? Add DI water? Add glycerine? All I can really do right now is run it and hope the bubbles stop forming. The picture below shows the beginning of one of these bubbles forming.

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