Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I'm looking to get wax to fix my lava lamp that someone shook whilst still warm. I figured I would ask here since i couldn't find one of those goo magic mix kits available. any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a 32 oz. blue liquid white wax lamp, if that info is necessary or helpful, and am not particular about the color of wax I am looking for.  thanks!

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Here you go, all you could want!


Thanks, i just ordered some up. i cannot wait! now if only i can figure out how to seal it once i get it all put back together that will be awesome! i will probably panic when that time arises. for now, i think i can rejoice in my newly purchased goo!  Thanks a million!

Luckily stock just came back, it's been out for a while

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