Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Does anybody know what the new first 100 due to be released from Mathmos is? I'm guessing they will announced the actual item nearer the 15th June. I'm not on any social media sites to be able to take a look. Thanks for any info :)

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Kind of wondering if it'll be a copper version of an Astrobaby or Telstar... while I'd be into it, I'm hoping for something totally new. Could also just be brushed aluminum if it's a literal take on grooves. 

I'm hoping for either a white or black Astro or Astro baby. Or a totally different modern twist on a lava lamp. Failing that, I doubt it will tempt me. 

I think ‘groovy’ may well allude to the finish of the new lamp, looking at the metal component being spun in the video, it does seem to have a sort of ribbed effect, also looks to be tubular, so possibly an entirely new form factor, or perhaps a ‘reboot’ of the Jet but in machined metal, which could be pretty neat.

I hope it's a lava lamp at least, not something else lol. Would be great if they've mastered an LED lava lamp on the lines of the smart Astros. 

I doubt it is anything too fancy. My bet is it's a black brushed aluminum finish.

Thanks for the link, my Husband wants me to purchase one of these lamps, he loves vinyl.

Not sure if I want a black lamp but this is way nicer than the current matte black!

Groovy indeed!

Hrm torn…

I love my current matt blacks, but my first thought is “dust….”, that’s a lot of grooves for it to get in to!

I will get one of course, I’m just not sure I can see it replacing my usual matt blacks

Slightly disappointed its not something completely new, but pretty cool nonetheless.

had been toying with the idea of a black Astro, but this one looks much more interesting - liking the ‘bespoke’ box design as well.

Wish they would have given us some new colour options for this 'edition' though.

I too was hoping for something new, or at least something to expand the astrobaby or telstar ranges.

Astro already has a few variations, I've been wanting an astrobaby but I don't want plain shiny silver.

It's a great idea though, very effectively designed, the base will catch the light as well, making it look even more like a record. Whoever thought of the idea had an inspired moment :)

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