Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Worlds only 27'' Orange Liquid/Black Lava 27'' Grande lamp using all original LavaLite materials

Ok folks - back in October I mentioned uploading a video of my custom made 27'' Grande lava lamp however this site will not allow me to do so due to either format issues or too large a file. I shot the short 25 second videos using my iphone not sure why they will not upload. I decided to snip shots from the videos taken of the lamp in full blown motion so you could see how awesome it is. The lamp looks more like it's a orangish purple color - rest assured it's black lava and orange liquid. It's better to look at in the day then at night because the black blobs are way more visible however the day video looks a little opaque as does the night version. I uploaded snip it shots of both the day version and night. You decide which one you like best. Once again to create, I purchased 8 - 52oz globes on sale and then drained all the orange liquid into gallon jugs. I did not have to use all the liquid if I'm not mistaken but used most of the wax since I figured the more wax the better. I placed a Grande coil into the globe and about a half inch of the liquid. I then melted the wax and placed the wax into the Grande lamp vase and let it solidify overnight. The next day I poured all the orange liquid into the lamp - sealed and fired her up. Here's the first ever all original LavaLite fluids orange liquid-black lava 27'' Grande lava lamp. I've had it now for about 5 years and it rocks and flows even better today after adding a second coil. I posted a story about my amazing discovery after I unboxed to display this year and it would not flow. See previous discussion for the full story. I hope you can appreciate the pictures as much as I enjoy custom making lamps when I'm bored.

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Nice! Your third photo especially shows what a cool lamp you've created... 

I think the only way to get a video on OG now is via YouTube and then post a link here, which is beyond me....

(I tried with my glittered Colossus but could only post a still on My Page, which is sad....)

You can upload your video to YouTube and then add the link here.

  I love that color combo ! My favorite Halloween lamp. That's a lot of work but it turned out great.

I've been making custom Grande's awhile... Sometimes struggle with continuous master fluid bubbles from the coil. I've never heard of putting the coil in the globe and then adding a half inch of liquid before putting hot wax in!?  Does this help the wax adhere to the coil properly?

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