Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi, i bought a coachlite model 6000. I started it today. The lava looks like it is full of air and solid particles. Sort of like wax is not fully melting and mixing? It is hard to describe,,,red puke? Lumpy?

Also, the glass has thousands of "stars" or air bubbles all over the globe. They are inside the glass. Is that normal?

It does not run like my other lamps. Instead of sending up large rounds,,it stays in a single column most of the time. It reaches, and stays at the top of the lamp,,while the lava goes up and down the column,,,,,with a big round ball at the top. You can see the lava move up and down inside the column.

 What do i do?

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LOL,,nevermind, i think i found a similar  problem in other threads.  It does not make sense. Apparently you can ruin the wax by running the lamp and overheating the wax,,,but to fix the wax, you boil it,,,which is overheating????

I guess nobody really knows yet. I'll try some stuff and report how it works.

Try replacing liquid with less amount of surfacant. Make sure to pour original solution into jar or something unless You make lamp work correctly.

hi Adam. I don't think that will help the lumpy problem will it?

I put a 60 watt bulb in,,,have the lava up to 132 deg right now. It is flowing,, and actually looks better on the lumpy issue,,but still many many lumps and air bubbles in the lava. Might turn it off for a while and get solid,,then heat up again.

How hot will burn lava?

133 deg.....  turning off for a cooling cycle.

Maybe post some photos? I think we will tell You something more.

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