Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey, I just got a magma tower mini goo kit to build my own lava head like in my profile picture. I'm reading that the surfacant is used to make the goo more blobby and circular. But actually I really like when the goo gets all sinewy. 

I read online that the recommended ratio for surfacant is 10ml surfacant: 1 quart water - is that correct?

So my question is, if I like the goo non-blobby, do I need to add any surfacant at all? If I add none will something bad happen? Should I add just a little? Or none at all? 

because of the nature of the lava head, in order to test it out I will have to first seal the head... so once I run it the first time there's no turning back.. so I can't really test out the ratios....

how I like my lava:

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you at least need it to coat the inside so the lava does not stick

Strick with the ratios Magnatower goo gives you in case there is a warranty issue

Indeed, I concur.

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