Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Anyone know if the paint on Spencers lamp glass can be removed easily?

Maybe it's just me but I don't like painted colors on the glass bottle - I'd rather see the actual colors inside.

Specers has some neat lamps but a lot of them have painted bottles. This one, for example, would look really cool as a white lamp with white wax - if the rainbow paint could be stripped.

Has anyone done this? Acetone? Paint stripper? Wire wool? Just guessing, as I don't have one of these lamps currently.


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I have not done this myself but maybe something like this can take the paint off 

I accidentally removed some of the color on one of my when I used acetone to try and remove sticker goo....so I suspect it comes off easier than you would think.  Might be worth trying on one of the baby ones from target/walmart first.

I can’t speak for that brand, but the smaller lamps I’ve been refurbing come off fairly easily with a razor. I tried acetone, and while it had some color transfer off, it didn’t remove the coating. I just scrape it off and follow it up with a vigorous scrub down with steel wool in the sink. Gotta use some elbow grease but I’m sure it’d be easier for anyone who has more than twigs for arms like myself. 

Good to know , I just fixed my 1st lamp , had to pop the top drain the water and re melt the max , I’d love to see some of your work  Danielle brown . And the more your scrub your arms can become tree trunks !!

It's from China, can not be that tough to get off! :P

Brakleen and a wire pad such as Brillo.

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