Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Not sure if I should be creating a discussion about it but wanted to grab my fellow goo-head's attention. I was wondering if someone on here could tell me a bit more about this lamp and what it's worth. I figured I'd post it here first as I'm looking to sell it and you guys deserve it more than just any old eBayer. Let me know!!

Under my video section, I'm not sure how to link it to this discussion I uploaded a video for you guys and gals to watch. Thanks so much!

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Here's the video: http://oozinggoo.ning.com/video/fiber-optic-music-box-flower-lamp?x...

It's pretty common, from the 70s/80s. I see these on eBay all the time. These ones in particular don't fetch much money. Maybe $25, tops. 

Thanks Erin. Do you think anyone on here would be interested in it or trading for it?

Erin said:

Here's the video: http://oozinggoo.ning.com/video/fiber-optic-music-box-flower-lamp?x...

It's pretty common, from the 70s/80s. I see these on eBay all the time. These ones in particular don't fetch much money. Maybe $25, tops. 

Mostly likely not, but it never hurts to try. I don't see much interest in those kind of fiber optics here. But might as well create a post - you never know. 

Yes, unfortunately, these are very common. I see them in thrift stores for between $4-10 regularly. They're pretty, but not very valuable to collectors; most fiber optic collectors buy the ones with glass fibers.

cool fiber optic lamp, but the music box sounds creepy as heck!

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