Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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ENOUGH! Please don't add fuel to the drama fire. Add INFORMATION about the product itself.
Enough has been said. So please stop the attacks on my friend's auction. Thank you.

Crestworth Limited said:
Lovely Telstar made by Crestworth/ Mathmos...Genuine Telstar, Mathmos are unable to confirm the colour as genuine, bottle is a replacement, unless it has the plastic cap on top instead of the later metal cap, box is wrong, its from a later model probably a Jet...

WeeboTech said:
ENOUGH! Please don't add fuel to the drama fire. Add INFORMATION about the product itself.
What is that supposed to be? A box with 3 telstar legs inside it.

Crestworth Limited said:
Thank you for the facts CL. Those of us who are not knowledgeable on Mathmos products need expert input on what is genuine vs. modified. I would hate to spend hard earned money for something rare that turned out to be common

Crestworth Limited said:
Lovely Telstar made by Crestworth/ Mathmos...Genuine Telstar, Mathmos are unable to confirm the colour as genuine, bottle is a replacement, unless it has the plastic cap on top instead of the later metal cap, box is wrong, its from a later model probably a Jet...

Did you not know they changed the packaging later on.


Crestworth Limited said:

Its the correct box for the Anodised Telstar, [EDITED FOR CONTENT BY WEEBOTECH]

Johny said:

What is that supposed to be? A box with 3 telstar legs inside it.

Crestworth Limited said:

Since we can all read the auction, lets' not go on and on with adding fuel to the fire by restating what is there.

The only worthwhile additions that can be of any use in this thread now is showing people the comparatives of what to look for.

Historical review and pictures. Enough has already been said and it's getting to a point where the thread should probably be closed unless there are informative posts.


I'm also going to reiterate

"ENOUGH! Please don't add fuel to the fire. Add INFORMATION about the product itself."

Further posts about the auction and/or it's seller will be removed without warning.

There is a pretty clear statement on the auction saying, bring it to the attention of the seller directly.


This thread is now closed, if you have any further details, please advise a moderator to reopen it for your supporting information regarding the product.

Quoted from another thread for historical purposes.

Crestworth Limited said:

firstly, a small appology and it is a small one, the Black Telstar being sold lately that caused a major stir on here, was possibly real, it seems that Mathmos made a small number of items in Black, a member on here has a Black Phantomlite and I hate to say it, when going through the mass of lamps and boxes yesterday I discovered a Black Sputnik that I brought on ebay in November, this is what happens when you have to much you loose track...But the box was still a homemade....So make of it what you want...



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