Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Bought a lamp off eBay. Cap seems to be loose and leaked during shipment.

Hi, I'm pretty new to the forum and Lava Lamps in general. Decided to try and get one off eBay... Unfortunately it arrived leaking. I've read you can retighten the cap with a hose clamp but was wondering if it would be fine to run as is, or should I try replacing the missing liquid as well? Not completely sure on what model it is as the cap is pretty smeared. It does have made in the USA on the top of the cap and I can take more pictures if needed.

Just wondering if I should cut my losses or try to fix it? Thanks for your time! : )

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It looks to be a 03 globe, blue liquid/white wax.  These are one of the most common colors.  The hose clamp method works great and the loss of liquid shouldn't affect the flow of the wax, but the wax won't be able to rise as high and may not be aesthetically pleasing.  It also may flow to hot.

If you find a globe of the same color and year you would be safe to add liquid.  If you want to experiment you can try some of the methods using epsom salt or propylene glycol.  Since you are just getting started though, I would suggest that you contact the seller and get a refund of the full cost (shipping and purchase cost).  Then use the refund to purchase a different lamp.

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond! I think I'll go the refund route and purchase another. 

Pay attention to date codes and stay pre- 2003 for an original formula lamp.  Before Lava Lite moved their production to china,  where we all know you get that great China flow, one ball up one ball down. :P

Thanks for the tip! I'll keep a look out for pre 03s and definitely pay more attention to that. 

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