Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Consolidating my trade/sale thread. Even more new stuff! (added used Fantasia fiber sprays)

These items are available alone or together, for trade or sale. Make offers. Really interested in trades.

-- 30W multi-color Wizard globe. Supposedly these are rare, but it's not sparkly like a normal Wizard glitter. It contains tiny (less than 1mm) flakes in gold, orange, red, blue and green. The liquid is clear, but looks pale yellow when lit. The red and gold glitter are apparent from a distance, but orange, blue and green show up on close inspection. I've also heard that the color in these may fade with prolonged use. Mine is simply stamped "30W" on the cap. Glitter action is just as swirly and quick as most Wizards but, as stated (and pictured) it doesn't have the spot-from-across-the-room sparkle factor.


-- Two Consort bases, plastic pedestal. One: Felt a bit loose, gold faded to silver, includes reflector. Other, nice brassy finish, no reflector.

-- Windsor base (Consort with beefy round wood-grain metal base) felt has hole in center. Includes reflector.

WINDSOR BASE AVAILABLE. Had a trade set with Tha Duderino, he hasn't responded. Wherever you are, Dude, hope you're okay.

-- Hunter glitter, reddish-copper, red liquid, glitter has gone clear. Has original socket, minus screw-on ring which secures it into the base. No plug.

--Two brass non-planter Enchantress bases, no globes or caps.

--Tortoiseshell cap for safari lamp.

--Two heat reflector rings for late-90s Century bases. HEAT RINGS MAY BE GONE.

--Four Fantasia fiber-optic sprays for the second-smallest lamps: Love Bug, Alpha, Saturn, Ecstasy, Firefly, etc. Puffball or "heat spray" shape. Need cleaning and may have shed some fibers.

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Looking for, among other things:

-- (Dark) blue Wizard base & cap (no globe needed).

-- "Elegant" Planter or Vase (non-planter) lava.

-- Florence Art glitter (smallest size, plain brass) any color.

I have no idea if anything I have is worth any of those. They're just things I'm looking for and could trade for, but probably couldn't buy.

Jonas, I know it's been awhile. I'm interested in the Multi colored Wizard. PM me & we'll talk further.

Bump. Anyone?

I might be interested in the blue spiral lamp.  I have a purple one, but would like a blue one.  How much would you be looking to get for it?  Or would you want to trade the purple for the blue?  Unfortunately I don't have any of those items you are looking for.  I do have a 52oz and a 32oz clear/black lava lamp I might be looking to get rid of.

Feel free to PM me, Jeff. I'll sell that lamp. Just make an offer, chances are I'll take it. I'd rather that one go to someone who really appreciates it.

Edit: I noticed it's a bit low on water, and I'm not sure how to refill it. If you still want it, pay shipping and it's yours.

Mine got the same way too, in fact its probably low again now, its been put away for several years.  I was able to figure out a way to add some though...I forget now how I did it but I'm sure when I look it'll come back to me. 

PMed you an offer.


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