Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This looks promising. If nothing else, a red lava/ yellow liquid Grande is on its way!

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I was too afraid to get one of the spray painted globes as I had the rainbow one and the spray job was terrible. 

You can count on me putting up pics and a video! And you can also count on my contacting Lava Lite when I find defects. ;)

Hopefully you got the discount! Keep me posted when yours arrived. 

Rory said:

thanks for the info Erin! Got myself a red/yellow with a black base. We'll see if the quality improves 

I bought a Northern Lights with the most beautiful paint job. Looked like the wax was really changing colors instead of being behind a painted globe. Unfortunately it had flow issues and I took it back. Exchanged it and the next one looked fine in the store until I got home and lit it up. Looked like a frosted mug.

I do return the lamps when I can. Our Spencer's has a bit of an attitude when I return lamps. I try and buy from Amazon.com when I can since their return policy is so good. 

^^ Interesting as the spencers near me (2 of them), typically don't give much a fuss when returning lava lamps. I simply tell them it has a problem or does not work right.

The couple of times I returned lamps, they seemed to not trust that there were problems. It was almost like returning a lava lamp affected their bonus or something. If I buy from Spencer's, I usually just keep the lamp since they make you feel like shit for returning it.

My local Spencers has one employee who seems more into lava lamps than the others so I try to go when he's there. He expects it to take two or three tries to get a good lamp. Any Spencers employee who doesn't automatically assume the lamp is broken when they sell it to you is either brand new or a moron and should be treated as such.

I get mine shipped to me

I never seem to have an issue

ONE TIME, it was obvious the lamp was opened and used, due to the way it was packaged

I called and they shipped another free

Shipped from Spencers or Lava Lite? And do any of yours have the sticking around the base?

Claude J said:

I get mine shipped to me

I never seem to have an issue

ONE TIME, it was obvious the lamp was opened and used, due to the way it was packaged

I called and they shipped another free

Just ordered a yellow/red with black base and the retail20 code worked for me too! Thanks Erin!

You're welcome! The color choice I got was a throwback to my very first lava lamp I ever owned (yellow/red Century with gold base). 

cant go wrong with the classic colors you chose!

Erin said:

You're welcome! The color choice I got was a throwback to my very first lava lamp I ever owned (yellow/red Century with gold base). 

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