Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi, my grandmother gave me a lamp back when I was a young theater geek and I was getting ready to ebay it when i find out lo-and-behold, its a fantasia glitter graphic lamp!

I was wondering if anyone knew anything about it, how much it's worth about or if anyone is interested in purchasing? Any help is greatly appreciated, i'm a total novice


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You tried to sell it for $400 last time?
Yes thats what other glitter graphics were listed for. Now its up for 150

Glitter lamps had a brief price spike and went down. I sold one of my Florence Art glitters for $500, and now I can't get $200 for the other. Heather, I'd suggest holding onto it-- not only might the prices rise again in the future, but you'll be hard-pressed to locate another one of these. I'm not especially enamored of my Rolls-Royce model Glitter Graphics, but I'm not selling it-- not unless there's a big price spike.

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