Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi!  I'm new to this group, but just managed to get my hands on a vintage Fantasia 4000 Sunburst Chrome lamp - minus the fiber optic spray.  I know finding them is really hit or miss, but can one be fabricated from the safer new plastic fiber optic cables?  Are there any directions on how to make one or is anyone making these at all?  I am pretty good craftwise, but this is a new direction and I'd rather not reinvent the wheel...

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Check out this link: http://oozinggoo.ning.com/forum/topics/replacement-fiber-optic-spra...

jmpenny32 reproduces the color wheels and sells on ebay.  He may have some sprays for sale.  I know link is long, but will explain the "hunt" you have to go through for these fiber optic lamp sprays.  I have four or five of these and to get them with great sprays is a adventure.  You would want to go with original glass sprays as the newer plastic sprays just do no do these lamps justice!  Will be worth the wait. Have seen these sprays go from 150 to 400 bucks, be prepared.  Good luck and welcome aboard!


Good luck finding a replacement spray for your lamp .  It's rare to see one come up for auction and if one does become available and it's in good  condition expect to pay 250.00 -350.00 depending on the day.  I have this lamp in my collection and it's in excellent condition. As a matter of fact it has one of the best sprays I've ever seen online.  I rarely display it so that I don't break or lose fibers.  When you do find a spray and turn your lamp on you are going to be blown away big time.  Of all my lamps it's by far my favorite in terms of appeal.  Nothing else like it in the world. To replicate the cost alone for all the exact OEM parts and fibers would run over 800.00 easily.  The genuine exact same fibers and the metal sealing using high pressure compression in todays world is crazy expensive.  It's the reason you only see the cheap plastic fibers ones.  Keep looking and post when your lamps complete. 

Thanks for the info.  My "superpower" happens to be researching things on the internet, so I decided to do a deep dive and try to find these.  Had a few wrong turns, but I think I hit pay-dirt!  I think I may have found a source for these, if anyone else is interested - there is a place in Germany that makes fiber optic lamps and says that they sell the sprays individually.  They are stupid-expensive, but that is what Christmas and birthdays are for.  The site is in German, so have Google Translate ready.  When he wrote to me about the spray, he said that I may have to put a thin wire across the base of the tube to keep the spray from going too far down and scratching the color wheel.  For anyone interested, the website is:  www.pyrofag-leuchten.de

Yup, this is the guy from Germany that is discussed in the initial link I sent you.  Let us know how your transaction goes.  Several members have received order from him and rave about the quality.  Keep us up to date.

His Sprays are fantastic!

unfortunately my gal put a high-velocity fan on it and broke most of them on one side

It is now destined for a lamp that does not revolve 

He sold some sprays via this forum several years ago.  I bought a few myself and they are excellent sprays.  The last I heard he was no longer selling off any of his remaining spray stock. Also they are not an exact fit as the ferrule is slightly different sized, but they will work in a lamp the size of yours with a little, minor modification.  

Peggy said:

Thanks for the info.  My "superpower" happens to be researching things on the internet, so I decided to do a deep dive and try to find these.  Had a few wrong turns, but I think I hit pay-dirt!  I think I may have found a source for these, if anyone else is interested - there is a place in Germany that makes fiber optic lamps and says that they sell the sprays individually.  They are stupid-expensive, but that is what Christmas and birthdays are for.  The site is in German, so have Google Translate ready.  When he wrote to me about the spray, he said that I may have to put a thin wire across the base of the tube to keep the spray from going too far down and scratching the color wheel.  For anyone interested, the website is:  www.pyrofag-leuchten.de

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