Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I'm feeling tortured and teased...

Yesterday, a confidential informant gave me a tip that 8-10 lava lamps were for sale at a local yard sale. Within an hour, I was at there. By the time I got there, all that was left was 3 32oz LL's, all in need of TLC, parts, or re-gooing and 1 non-LL brand lamp. I bought them all for $10. One looks like clear/gold and another is black/orange but both looks like various stages of diarrhea and urine. The other 32oz is a purple/clear that can be filtered. The seller told me he'd sold a bunch within the hour, and had I come by the day before I could have bought dozens more. He had literally dozens of 1980's-early 2000's lamps he was selling for his brother and I missed all but 4 clunkers. The most torturous part is, after I left I discovered he had increased the prices to $4 per lamp from $1.50!!!! (The price stickers had been covered up with new stickers.) he must have had no idea what his brother's collection was worth.

Grrrrr, I could have bought gazillions of nicer lamps at a stupid-low price!

Ughhhhhh... I have that pain in the pit of my stomach... I feel ill.

But my wife is no doubt glad I didn't get them. But man, opportunities like that just don't happen very often. I gotta let it go. Gotta let it go.

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It hurts just reading about it, Ben!

I'm so sorry, Ben.  It makes me sick for you.  Dang.

Ouchies. :( That blows. Sorry to hear it. I feel yer pain!

Know the feeling, I just got back from one of the biggest carboot sales in the county... not one lava or glitter lamp !

Not even a china !!!  :(

Trying to look at the bright side....

...can't find the bright side.  Kinda wish I'd never known about it at all!!  LOL

Well, now I'm about to toss my cookies for both you and Rocket Man.  How depressing, and a very stormy day don't help.

Ouch! I rarely see lava at yard sales - usually ALL I see is stuff the baby recently outgrew.

ME i would buy any junk lava lamp because i like having projects like that to do oh man do i want to fix lava lamps now

Your time will come again. Keep the faith!

I had an amazing car boot score recently, a Red anodised Crestworth Comet for £2. An amazing find. They are still out there somewhere....

Awesome wish i could find such great finds have this guy lined up but hasn't gotten the lamp out of storage so he hasn't come by and i am giving him 5 dollars more

What sort of lamp is it? I hope it's a good one!
Samantha Gregory said:

Awesome wish i could find such great finds have this guy lined up but hasn't gotten the lamp out of storage so he hasn't come by and i am giving him 5 dollars more

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