Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I forgot I took screenshots of this. These lamps were posted on Lava Lite's Snapchat. I wanted to see what everyone else though of this. They look like 32oz lamps. Possibly never released prototypes.


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Love to own a pair of those


They look like they probably were prototypes. Around the time they came out with the Halloween resins, probably. Unfortunately, LL had a lot of resin lamps that never made it to market. 

Yes those are prototypes made in resin from the same time period as the other resin lamps.

I have seen these lamps in person at Lava headquarters, they are in the office of one of the staff members there.

They're ok lamps I personally love the resin lamps and these would have been better lamps to release than the decade series  (60's, 70's, etc).  However, I suspect that these lamps would have been fragile to produce and sell just like the Grim Reaper lamp was so perhaps that played a part in these not making production.


Nice lamps, agreed they would be too fragile to mass produce but could have worked as a limited run for us collectors

I am sure there were many prototype resin lamps made I would love to see some of the other designs that never made it.

If they were prototypes, I imagine they couldn't find a way to keep the guitar necks from breaking off.

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