Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Green LavaLite lamp, wax doesn't stick to coil or move at all.

I bought a green LavaLite today, and it has issues. First of all, the wax doesn't stick to the coil like it should
It doesn't move either, and there is some wax at the top that won't come down. What's the issue here? I'd like to get this lamp working because I want to give it to my mom. Any suggestions?

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Are you able to exchange it for another one? It sounds like a bad globe.
Unfortunately, no
Right if the wax isn't fully stuck to the coil it won't move... I had a brand new lite I was going to gift out and the wax fell off on the first run! Garbage lol. I just twisted the globe gently back and forth until the wax reattached. As for the stuff at the top, beats me eventually it may come down you have to keep letting it flow
I've removed the liquid, melted the wax with the coil still in it, when that didn't work, I removed the liquid and wax and coil and cleaned the globe and coil thoroughly, then put the coil and wax back in and melted it once more, but it still does the same thing! I honestly don't know what's wrong with it!
Wow normally the twisting thing works just fine! You really went all out.. My first grande did that, it overheated one night when I fell asleep and the wax never really left the bottom again. Twisting was no good so I just goo kitted it..
I tried twisting, but it didn't work, so I'm starting to think the same thing
Boiling the wax may not have been the best idea.. I think if it gets too hot it sort of changes... But it sounds like it wasn't going to work anyway..

if the wax won't rise, you can try adding an epsom salt solution to the globe while the wax is in a liquid state.  it sounds like the chemistry of your globe is not right.

Looks to me like the wax might be fried.  I got a brand new 52 oz lamp from Lava Lite as a replacement for another.  It flowed ok for a few months.  Then for some odd reason the wax would stick to half the coil and start pulling up water.  So I ended up with a mound of wax at the bottom with a stream of lava with a water bubble at the end shooting up every few seconds or so.  I ended up twirling it and all of the wax would adhere, but soon again, it would start the same old stuff.


I did a little experiment.  I goo kitted it and you know even with the goo kit it did the same thing.  So I assumed this was a straight up coil problem.  I made my own coils.  I threw one I made out of bracelet coil (stainless steel of course) and another I made out of stainless steel washer lint screen material but left the original coil in.  This lamp has more damn hardware in it.  Now it's one of my best flowers.  It's the light blue wax/purple liquid kit!!!  I would say to kit it!!

If it don't flow, it gotta go!  When in doubt kit it out!  Agree with the rest of the guys.  With all the work you went through, taking globe apart and redoing what you did, would just kit it!  Sure in the end you will be much happier!  Good luck bro, keep us up to date!

Carol, that's exactly what mine was doing! Every minute or so an air bubble shoots upward. I'm definitely going to kit it. I just need to get the kit.

Ben, don't be surprised if it still does it when kitted.  Mine did and I was ready to throw it out the window.  I got so frustrated I shook it and ruined it!!  Then I calmed down, made 2 homemade coils.  The 2nd kit go-around I used the xtra hardware along with the original "bum" coil and now it is an awesome flower!!! 

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