Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have been collecting lamps for over 20+ years and have recently decided to start downsizing my collection by selling "some" of them.

You can view the lamps that I am currently selling on EBAY here - 


I will be adding more lamps on EBAY within the next week as I have the time.

If anyone is interested in making a deal for something without EBAY please contact me.

It would be beneficial to not use EBAY if possible as I can avoid EBAY fees and you can avoid EBAY taxes.

I know how to safely package items and I will be using USPS to ship packages anywhere in the USA.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


James :)

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Thanks bro for the heads up.  Appreciate the consideration you have given the group at your fine collection.  Will be keeping an eye out.  Keep us up to date.  Thanks again.


I am a bit shocked, but then again, I was in awe of the part of your collection that you made visible. Like most of us here, there is always "more" stashed away :-)

Hey Guys,

I have been receiving many inquiries from people asking why I am selling my collection so I felt I should clarify.

I am not selling everything, but most of my lamps will be for sale as I am seriously downsizing now.

If you see any lamps in my pics that your interested in and want to discuss a deal just let me know. ( the worst that can happen is I will just say no - lol )

Time has a way of changing things and I am getting into other hobbies now.

One of those new hobbies which I really enjoy with my nephews is RC racing! 

I am into that hobby big time now as you can see what I built in my backyard this year :)


hi james i cant find your friend request but have found you here   yes can you give me a list what ones you have for sale and prices   in if i can afford any  then wil l need to find out post to uk  i think it is a bit dear but one step at a time cheers colin 

Hi Colin,

You should see my friend request appearing on your " My Goo" page as I can see my sent request to you appearing on mine ;)

You can view pics of my lamps on my page as well.

To be honest, I would prefer to sell my lamps here in the USA as I don't think it is a great time for International shipping. ( during a pandemic )

I am willing to make a few exceptions if I know my lamp will be going to a good collection however you would have to pay more for shipping costs which might make things to pricey for you.

I have some prices on EBAY currently and I am willing to lower them slightly for all deals made off of EBAY that do not require additional fees.

I will be working on adding more stuff on Ebay as I have the time.

mr colin a scott said:

hi james i cant find your friend request but have found you here   yes can you give me a list what ones you have for sale and prices   in if i can afford any  then wil l need to find out post to uk  i think it is a bit dear but one step at a time cheers colin 

thanks james i will have a look on ebay  i have been collecting for about  year i have had a couple shipped over a fantasia tempo  and a love bug with no problems  if any thing grabs my eye i will let you know  if you look on my you tube channel there are a few i have started putting up cheers colin there is an option i have a friend in palm springs you could ship to him and then he can forward onto me  

These Crestworth Rocket lava lamps are available on Ebay currently.

I've sent you a message.

Hi James. I will 100% buy the 2 Crestworth rocket lamps.

Please see my message via Oozing goo and Ebay.

Thanks, Simon

It appears that I underestimated the amount of interest in my Crestworth Rockets!
I put them on Ebay late last night and when I woke up this morning they were already sold and I had received many emails about them.
I regret that I could not respond quickly to inquiries while I was sleeping.
If I decide to sell any more Rockets I will do it auction style next time so everyone has an equal opportunity to purchase!

No worries! I would like to buy the Glitterama Living jewel petite. Is that for sale please?

Hey Simon,  I used to own a Glitterama Living Jewel petite but it went to Christian a few years ago.

I don't have anymore of them.

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