Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Ok, I've been on here for a few months now and thought it'd be nice to see what everyone looks like (since we'll likely never meet).

Who wants to go first? :)

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Me. without the dreads. Check it :P lol
Yes, is it SILKY SMOOTH?

I thought for sure you'd have to cut all your hair off to get rid of those!
I actually started getting Dean Winters all the time. Especially since the new allstate commercials. Actually my entire poker crew now calls me Mayhem. This photo doesn't capture it as much. You have a good eye.

Erin said:
Oh, so that's really you in your avatar! I always thought it was this guy: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0046033/

But now seeing this picture, I think you look like this guy: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0570364/
Or possibly this guy: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0935921/

So that's my story. Thanks for sharing your face. :)
Oh yes it is lol. :)
I didnt have to shave my head cause theyre just braided into my actual hair. so i get the pleasure of unbraiding 70 or so braids lol. very very tedious job

Erin said:
Yes, is it SILKY SMOOTH?

I thought for sure you'd have to cut all your hair off to get rid of those!
Thats pretty awesome lol. i dont see it though :P

Dr. WHAT?! said:

Diin said:
Oh yes it is lol. :)
I didnt have to shave my head cause theyre just braided into my actual hair. so i get the pleasure of unbraiding 70 or so braids lol. very very tedious job

Erin said:
Yes, is it SILKY SMOOTH?

I thought for sure you'd have to cut all your hair off to get rid of those!

since we are on the subject of look-a-likes, diin you look like anthony kiedis back in the day

Picture of me and my mum, where I was working last year.

Some randoms :)

What a great pic of you and your Mom. I love it when a guy is close to his mom. Dawn

D Newnham said:

Picture of me and my mum, where I was working last year.

Figure I'll jump into the fray about now. Me, holding a lamp made from a thrift store-found bottle. I love this bottle - fits equally well on any 52oz. or 32oz. base.


...well, that's me in 2006, anyway. These days I lost the bleach job to show my graying hair, have a receeding hairline, and wear black dress shirts and ties. Everything in the background still looks the same, though.


couple of me on hol! my husband likes to take these blurry light pics, he thinks it very artistic!


as im a spy trying to get the secret mathmos formala i cant show my face lol  i try and find a clothed pic of me tomorrow lol if that fails i stick my face on the scanner lol
Jim said:

Since I was so eliminated from this thread, here I am again.  I'm the ugly one on the left, my wife is on the right.



And some social commentary...

youre brave having such a big one in ya hands they give me the willys lol i stick to my cat! 

C*O*O*L*S*O*X said:

Thought I would add one of me to the mix! Me and my Albino Sonoran Gopher Snake.

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