It has taken me a while to warm to the Neo, but am now toying with the idea of getting one in this colour combo, but am a bit confused as to how it actually looks in person. Some photographs online seem to make it look vibrant purple (which I like) whereas in others it doesn't look particularly distinct from the violet/ red offered on other lamps.
Would be interested to hear from anyone who might have a Neo in this combo and what you think of it, and maybe if you have any photographs that could be considered a realistic representation of how it actually looks in person.
Any input much appreciated as always!
Views: 295
Don't get one they don't flow very well. I learnt the hard way. They just produce one blob going up and down.
Have noticed quite a few people here complaining about the flow on newer Mathmos lamps, I think at least part of the problem is the halogen bulbs they ship with which seem to run the lamps too hot, I have a couple of new-ish Astros and they flow much better using lower watt incandescent bulbs.
I wonder if the Neo would flow better with a 10w capsule bulb rather than the 20w it ships with?
Anyway... any thoughts on the colours?
Thanks for that, bit disappointing to hear though :-/
Gone off the Telstar a bit lately, possibly because there are so many knock-offs about in the 'rocket' form factor, though even the current Telstars look cheapened compared to earlier models.
The Neo just looks much classier to my eyes, especially in copper. I was a fan of the purple white and pink/ white colourway that were available in the 1990s, but with these long gone I had hoped that pink/ purple might have been a decent compromise, as I say some pictures/ videos online like here seem to make it look very pink, but I know that cameras don't always pick up colours accurately.
So I recently got a pair of mathmos neos in the color combo you're talking about and I'm not experiencing any flow or clarity issues. The other lamps I have are american models with worse quality wax/glass anyways, so maybe it's not a fair comparison. I've taken some images and videos:
My Mathmos Neo Pink/Violet flowing Day1
The only observation I can make about flow is that it definitely seems to do better in temps blow 75F. I've had some warm days out there and even with an AC unit going, we can't get our room below 78 and the flow did seem a bit sluggish around then, perhaps overheating? But on the cooler days we've recently had, after about 1.5 hours or so, the flow is beautiful. I keep em on only for the manufacturer's recommended 6 hours max, so they're on a timer
I agree I have 2 and neither flow they just melt and blob around at the bottom.
Adara said:
Don't get one they don't flow very well. I learnt the hard way. They just produce one blob going up and down.
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