Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Topic says it all. I've tried everything but it's a pain. Even bottle brushes just don't really get the job done because of the angle required. Any suggestions or experiences? Thanks fellow goo heads!

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Simple Green. Let it soak for a few days. Manually clean off any remaining residue. If your wax is still sticking it's the wax not the glass.

Thanks for your reply. I'm not trying to clean off any wax, just odd white residue on the inside of the glass that makes the globe look dirty.

That's probably residue from the surfactant in the master fluid. The only way I've found to remove it is with physical contact. No cleaners remove it easily. You also have to drain the master fluid otherwise the residue will make it cloudy. You can try to magnets with one wrapped in a cloth to wipe it away. The best way I've found to get 100% of it is to completely empty the globe, fill it with soap and water and a paper towel then use a flexible brush move the paper towel around to wipe everything away.

KittenChops said:

Thanks for your reply. I'm not trying to clean off any wax, just odd white residue on the inside of the glass that makes the globe look dirty.
The magnets is a good idea!

Fish tank cleaner?  I have never tried but they use magnets and a small magnetic scrubber to remove algae from the inside of the tank.

I have used this power bottle brush for years 

and this one too 

they go on the end of your battery drill
Although, if there is stubborn reside, its best to soak them ovenight in mean green or simple green

I often had the problem that the residues arent removed but smear around in the bottle so in fact paper towels are best. a sponge is useless as you cant remove the smeary stuff from it.

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