Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all, was hoping for a little help.....I just got hold of a copper astro baby and i am a little unsure as to what's going on inside the base......mine has a grey metal ring pull type thing down between the bulb and the sides of the base ( I can't grip it I can only just get my fingertips on the ring part).....it's in there quite tight and seems to be attatched to something under the bulb. I was wondering if it was  something to do with removing the bulb ?  hope someone can help, and apologies for my ignorance.  cheers  kev 

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You're in the right place. Do you happen to have any pics of the pieces you're talking about? I'm not a Mathmos expert, but I've taken apart a Mathmos Jet, so I might be able to help ya' out. :)
that will be the bulb puller out gadget, when you push the bulb down and turn slighty so it pops up a bit you then use that gadget to lift the bulb out, as in pull upwards. its possible yours had been pushed down to far so you may need to get the bulb out to be able to remove/ lift it up it may have been bent out of shape

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