Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

You've got to be kidding about this! A Regency in fair shape is listed on eBay and it has 2 bids on it so far. The current price is $514.99 with 4 days to go. I bought one of these with the original box last October for substantially less. I realize they are not a common lamp, but you do see several listed during the course of a year. I hope whoever gets it enjoys it, but I say a fool and their money are soon parted.



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What if I WANT my panties in a bunch? I like them bunched. 

doesn't it chafe?

Erin said:

What if I WANT my panties in a bunch? I like them bunched. 

I found out who the two guys are, that are in a pissing match, buying up all of our lamps for thousands of dollars. It's Bill Gates and that little punk from facebook. The only two people who could spend $1800 on a MadDog 20/20 lava lamp.

I think they make meds. for the likes of us..

WeeboTech said:

doesn't it chafe?

Erin said:

What if I WANT my panties in a bunch? I like them bunched. 

Anyone really know who these two are? Not that it's getting to me personally since I'm not trying to buy rare lamps on eBay right now, but I'm curious as to whether they're OG members, and why they're determined to battle over lamps. Oh, and I want to know what's in their collections.

I know the usernames of both, but I don't think either are members here. We've never seen any of these lamps show up here. 

Looks like the Regency went back up on the market starting at $499. I believe (n...e) backed out of his/her bid.  

Auction ended - No sale, both bidders backed out on their bids.

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