
60, Male

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
I am 45, will be married 23 years in January, and expecting our first child January!!! Yeah!!
I and my wife are very commited Christians who believe in Jesus with everything that we are. We also believe in the workings and gifts of the Holy Spirit. (Our expected son is a miracle child that the LORD had promised us beforehand, Praise HIS NAME!!!)

I had two Lava Lamps in the '70s. One got broke (don't move them hot, especially with the cord dragging) The other I got curious about and started playing with the goo. The empty glass does not hold your interest too long.
My wife and I bought a brand new lamp in 1991, white base yellow/yellow.
Since 2004 I have bought many lamps, sold a few when we moved out of California to Oklahoma (some I wish I hadn't) and bought a few more.
Right now, I have eight lamps on display, and five or six packed away (I might use a few for projects, now that I have been inspired here).
(November 2008
Where I Live:
Southern Oklahoma, USA
My First Lava Lamp was:
Century Red-Yellow

Comment Wall:

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  • Lisa

    Thank you for the welcome! <3
  • Roy McLean

    Thank you. it has been less than a day and I've learned a lot already
  • Alan Charbonneau

    Thanks for the greeting. I do not yet own a lava lamp, but I remember thinking they were cool when I first saw them in the mid-1960's (I'm 55 yrs old). I thought that a website devoted to such things just had to be explored!
  • Keith Thomson

    Hi, nice to meet :)
  • Evgeni

    Hi, I am interested in the possibility of manufacturing the lamp, and ... height of 1 meter or 1.2 meter
  • Evgeni

    Hi, I am interested in the possibility of manufacturing the lamp, and ... height of 1 meter or 1.2 meter Hi, I am interested in the possibility of manufacturing the lamp, and ... height of 1 meter or 1.2 meter
    send me on mail
  • mark

    Thank you.
  • Virgule

    Hello Keith. Thanks for welcoming me.
  • Lava_Head_UK

    Thanks for the warm welcome and sorry its taken so long to reply :-)
  • Derrick Davis

    Thank you Keith. Glad to be a part.....(smile)
  • ☆VixenGypsy☆

    Happy Birthday!
  • Autumn

    Red Ribbon
  • Autumn

    Red Ribbon
  • Ford Prefect - NPNG

    Red Ribbon
  • Dr. WHAT?!

    Red Ribbon
  • WeeboTech

    You Rock!
  • storm98

    Im glad it got there safely and that you like it!! Have you picked out a globe for it?
  • Jim

    Bit by bit, the funds you great folks sent me for the caps accumulated within Paypal. I do a quick eBay search and low and behold - a brand new wave machine selling as a buy it now for $20. TY!!! =)
  • Athena Belt

  • Modulo '70

    Happy Birthday Keith!


    God bless you and you wife and the little one.



  • lava luva ~ Tiffany

    Red Ribbon
  • kiramarie

    Hi you... I hope all is well and lava is flowing for you..

  • Jim

    Let me know if you need any 100 watt R20 bulbs.  I have a few collecting dust around the house I could sell.

  • Erin

    Awesome scans Keith! Thanks so much. We'll get them added to the Lava Library soon! 

  • Marley's Ghost

    Thank you, Sir Keith!!  You're a scholar and a gentleman.   LOL   ;-)

  • Loren

    Hey Keith! Do you still want that sea life lamp?

    I could literally do 300 different sea creatures for it. LOL!

  • Marley's Ghost

    Ha, Keith.  Thank you, buddy, I'm "trying," if nobody else answers questions before I see them, but I ain't too good----yet, but I've had and still have the very best of teachers!!   Hooah!!

  • Miss Chi V. Us (Kim S)

    Thanks for the friend request and for trying to help. :) 

  • VOXul

  • Carol

    WOW Keith, all this time I never realized that you weren't on my friends list!!!  I was like huh, he's already on there, lol!!!  I guess we are always so busy talking lava talk, I never realized it.......thanks for the friend request!!!!!

  • VOXul

    Red Ribbon
  • Carol

    Red Ribbon
  • VOXul

    Some random for the day...

  • VOXul

    On both comment counts! I want to install them in the house now JUST to do it again and get away with it!

  • VOXul

    I think I'll buy it!

  • VOXul

    Bad dudes throw down!

  • Aladdin 2 Lava

    Happy Birthday Keith  :)

  • Carol

    Red Ribbon
  • Carol

    Hey Keith, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear keith, happy birthday to you....and many more.....(sung to the key of happy birthday
  • Carol

    Hey Keith, couldn't afford the cake so got you a couple more of these red ribbons for your birthday!!!  Wear um in good health!!!  Hey, didn't know that was you cause you changed up your avatar pic, lol!!!

  • Carol

    Ooops, hit send a message instead of comment back, lol!!!  You can tell I don't use the comment part of the site much, lol!!!  Anyway, I commented back..."and a nice Avatar it is at that"!!!  hahhaa

  • VOXul

    A late happy birthday Keith! PIZZA PARTY!!

  • Critter


    This is the stuff and ebay seller I bought through.


  • Critter

    I had been using a level 1/4 tsp per six ounces of purified water. But recently I upped the SLS a bit to a slightly heaping 1/4 tsp. I then use this mixture in the same amount that MT recommends for their surf which is 10 ml per quart...or there about.
  • Christian BayLee

    Really? But the wax is no good.. Do u know something I dont :P I'm in south Florida.
  • VOXul

    AWESOME suggestion for Santa, Keith! You da man!

  • Carol

    Um, the only thing I know about being "featured" is when it comes to pics.....not sure what that actually means but thank you and I guess it's a good thing, lol!!!

  • Markus

    Glad you like "Bones" !!! Found this great screenshot and couldn't resist... 

  • Jennifer

    Hi Keith!  My daughter will be 7 in December!  Parenting is quite the adventure, huh!?  I see your still lava lamping!  I took a break for a while and now am back and obsessed as ever.  Don't know why these lamps make me so happy!  How is your family doing?  We are good-I have a 4 year old as well so they keep me busy!  Nice to hear from you!

  • VOXul

    I kept seeing your profile pic, small, thinking it might be RJ MacReady from The Thing, haha! GO JOE!