Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Purchased on LetGo. All 14 critters are present and 5 orbs. Bottle is glass, not plastic. The pump is a little noisy but not much different from a normal fish tank air pump. I so wish they included more jelly fish as they are the best by far. The amount of critters that are moving around vary from minute to minute. Sometimes a critter has to fall to knock others towards the bubbles. They should still make this if you ask me it would sell well.

Views: 160

Comment by The Lamp Caretaker on January 13, 2018 at 8:29pm

Next time shoot the video in a dark room without any other lamps on so members here can see the actual color of the tank when on.  Looks like you have a winner. I told you it was cool once set up.  Makes me want to go and set mine up.  I only run mine in the spring and summer.  Now if I could only find a replacement set for the second one that arrived with no critters or orbs. I would have to purchase at least 4 or  five of the smaller lavquariums to get new fish but I would not be getting and jellyfish since the smaller lamps do not come with them or the cool colors  that the bigger tanks come with.  My search continues.

Comment by kero48 on January 13, 2018 at 9:41pm

I agree on the video, will take another one in a few days. Also, there is an annoying rattle that happens in the base after about 20 mins of being on. It's sounds like it could be a pump issue despite maybe wearing out or something loose. I do wonder if i can take the felt/rubber off the bottom and take a peak. No running issue but something is definitely not 100% right.

Hmmm, the critter thing seems to be a tough thing to find. At some point, you might have to bite the bullet and get a few new lamps to get some fish and stuff.

Yes, the jellyfish kick ass, wish they included 4 and less fish, at least the puffer looking fish. They are not the nicest of the bunch lol. I might take the orbs out as you advised. They are a little gimmicky.

Comment by Mr MaGoo on January 14, 2018 at 6:26am

What would be sweet if you could get the aeration stone at the bottom into a almost closed circle at the bottom to get bubbles around the outskirts of globe vs centered like it is, like a bubble curtain almost or the bubble column a litter "thicker" so to speak.  Still is a great globe set up and really like it.  Grats on obtaining this nice find!

Comment by Mr MaGoo on January 14, 2018 at 6:29am

Just thinking also you could put a valve on air line to adjust rate of air flow coming from the pump, akin, to a dimmer on our lamps to regulate temperature, you could regulate the air flow instead, just a another thought. Have fun!

Comment by The Lamp Caretaker on January 14, 2018 at 10:07am

When my first lavquarium  arrived the glass globe was detached from the base so I can see into the base of the lamp.  I thought they came this way until the second globe without the fish arrived.  It must have come loose during shipment. I think the best way to get to the bubbler and motor is to detach the globe from the base.  It does not appear that the globes are welded but rather weakly glued to the base. I bet if you tried it would pop right off -  just make sure you don't pull up on the globe so yo don't rip any wires apart. You have about four inches of wire when you lift the globe from the base so there is plenty of leeway between the globe and the base.    My first lamp with the globe not attached was fine since none of the wires connecting to the motor or LED's were disconnected.  Would you like for me to take a photo of the globe that's no longer glued to the base so you can see what's inside from the top looking in?

Comment by kero48 on January 14, 2018 at 3:56pm

Well the repair was simple and straight forward and took 10 minutes give or take, I will post a new video in the next day or so but here are some photos of what I did. The only thing reused was the one way blue valve.

Caretaker once the lamp is ran a few days and all tubing holds and remains in place I might put an adjustable valve where you see the second one way valve that is outside the lamp. I put the extra one way valve in just for additional drain back protection for the pump.

These lamps are so simple that even if it leaked near the globe / stone connection with a little care, that can be fixed as well.

Here are some quick pics of some of the work. I left the tubing going from the stone connection to the blue one way valve as clear non silicon tubing as it was more rigid and stays straight. The rest if silicone tubing with is more flexible. I did not put new small zip ties on the tubing yet until I feel all is well in the world lol.

Oh, the circuit board with LEDS looks pretty simple. I am sure someone with a little soldering and LED knowledge can make a cool color changing option like the ones sold in the UK, etc.

What I really love is that I can use the lamp with the LEDS on or off. I will include that in the video when I take it.


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