Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey everyone, my lamp has been shooken :( 

I let it cool down and everything worked, but...

the wax sticked to the walls on some places and didn't go down (and still doesn't), which makes the lamp pretty ugly... (actually there are aproximattely 0,5 cm diameter dots, some are bigger, almost all over the walls)

Any way how to solve this? Please please please...

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My clear/white lunar did this to me.
I had her running last year like less than ten times (but she was lazy and didn't flow as I expected) after I ordered her from Mathmos so I let her sleep. I turned her on again one month ago to discover that the oil was sticky to the bottle sides. MAthmos answered me that one year has passed and no warranty could be applied.... Dammed them all!!!

So, here's what I did.
First, I boiled enough water to sink the bottom of the bottle, enough for the oil down there to be submerged. When the outer of the cold wax were hot enough I applied enough rotation to the bottle, a few times, to unstick the wax and let it cool down. After 3 or 3 times I let the lunar have a complete cycle. At first, the wax stayed sticky to the sides but after 4 or 5 complete cycles of this my lunar shows only small patches of sticky wax to the bottom sides and she flows like the others I own.

Maybe you could process yours alike ?
In general, when wax starts sticking it means the lamp is slowly becoming FUBAR. You may be able to apply symptomatic treatment (e.g. unstick it by heating etc.) but if it did it once, it will do it again. If it reaches the phase where the lava preferentially crawls along the walls like a large slug instead of rising in blobs, then it's time to get a new lamp. Or going homebrew, which is more fun ;-)

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