Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

You may have noticed a bit of, let's say, "heated discussion" happening on the Goo lately.  It happens from time to time on any popular forum-based site;  disagreements turn into fights and then it becomes personal.  It's not unusual and I'm not really here to blame anyone.

What we do need is a clear set of Community Guidelines, more transparency regarding account suspensions, and a more robust Moderator team.  Because 2 of the current Mods (Jerome and I) are not on the site as frequently as necessary, we'll be getting replaced by 2 new admins.  I'm going to remain available to be a tie-breaker in case of a split decision on the new Mod team.

We're going to create an ongoing thread here in this OG Network Talk section for suspensions to explain the reason and list the duration of the suspension.

If you have a Mod nomination that you would like to make, make it here in this thread.  I'll take ALL the nominations and create a poll.  The 2 new Mods will be selected by me from the top 5 results of the poll.  I wish I could make everyone a Mod, but that's just crazy talk. 

The Moderator terms for all 4 spots will be 1-year, and we will go through a similar process next year. This way everyone who wants to be a Mod, and is recognized by their peer group as worthy, will get a chance to try it out (and probably learn it ain't as easy as it looks)  :-)

Mark Goo

Views: 554

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I think you guys are very humorous:-)
Just sayin...

I vote lamphead.
How long HAS LampHead been here? A long time, I think. Weebo's been around longer than I have, I'm pretty sure. VixenGypsy's been here that long, too, and she's pretty level-headed.
good idea but then they could be biased maybe just have mods who can delete horrible threads but not ban members
While I would agree, I think I'm too new for most people to trust me. :) But I don't necessarily think length of time moderating or being on a forum has anything to do with trust-worthiness. I've been on enough forums to know that isn't always the case. ;)

My vote for YOU is not because of how long you've been on here, but how you've treated everyone (fairly) and you seem very level-headed. I think you would make an excellent moderator, if you're wanting to be one.

I think the idea here is to add some balance to the moderator group and to add a few people who would be fair, trustworthy and attentive. You either have those traits or you don't, regardless of how long you've been on forum.

You're too kind! See above, though. I'm too new, though. I'm not sure I'd want to be a mod, to be honest. Maybe for 6 months, but a year...

I also vote for you, too. You've been SO helpful to me and very kind in the few months I've been on here.

 And honestly, I think Autumn has been a GREAT person to have on this forum. So helpful and very smart. But like me, he's new (er), too.

Is DR. What? gone for good, for some good, solid reason?

Also: When mods delete posts in a thread or even delete a thread completely, in my opinion, they need to tell the forum-at-large who did what, and what caused the removal. Without this, rumors fly and speculation grows, and not just among those usually prone to such things.

If I COULD be a mod, and knew what all duties were expected, I'd be interested, but I wouldn't want to be one of the main mods. As said, I support Weebo, Vixen, LampHead if Weebo supports him (I trust Weebo's judgment on that), and even though she's recent, Erin would be good.
Agreed that its not cool everything was removed. I dont know the full story but removing all of a members pics and discussions is not a good thing. I know that you can just lock people out of their account which is what should have been done BEFORE the whole account was wiped out.
That was my feeling, but we were told that you cannot do that with ning.
No more discussion, notes, nominations...?
No, the ne rule will be that the good stuff will stay. Also, I want to point out that you are using the correct term "suspension" rather than "ban". The suspensions will be dished out fairly from now on, and sometimes a "fair" duration may be "lifetime" but only in rare cases.
Hi Jonas. You'd be a great Mod. I hope you consider it. I don't think it would take that much of your time. You are right about more transparency. And we'll do that.
Thanks for posting that. I would hate for something to be reflecting badly on OG that is not coming from the top.



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