Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

check this out, going thru all my lamps to sell and i forgot i had this one. clear/purple AND green mix lava!


i will try and get some better pictures, may have to filter this one as it appears to be slightly cloudy

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That is really unusual, I didn't know it was possible to mix two waxes together. I would have thought they would fully mix after a few runs and that would result in a muddy messy colour, I learn something new each day lol.

I can get that same effect by dimming the bulb way down so it burns red.


I would want to see a video of your lamp in action before I would get too excited. 

i could try and do that. the fluid may need to be filtered but the bad thing i noticed is the globe is cracked a little, on the inside it looks like, so i would need to transfer the lava,

Vadeem Beginnin said:

I can get that same effect by dimming the bulb way down so it burns red.


I would want to see a video of your lamp in action before I would get too excited. 

i got an unusual astro bottle here is a picture
hahahaah I remember this pic!! We were just talking about this lamp in chat a couple days ago.

krissyfromswindon said:
i got an unusual astro bottle here is a picture
thats cool, what is it in the bottle, looks like glass? good effect does the lava stick to the tower thing inside the bottle

Dr. WHAT?! said:
hahahaah I remember this pic!! We were just talking about this lamp in chat a couple days ago.
lol ya Krissy tell him what that glass thing is lol....

Johnny said:
thats cool, what is it in the bottle, looks like glass? good effect does the lava stick to the tower thing inside the bottle
Come on johnny, if someone knows what that is, it's you ;-)

Johnny said:
thats cool, what is it in the bottle, looks like glass? good effect does the lava stick to the tower thing inside the bottle
Other then what it really is, I think implementing something inside the bottle is a cool idea.

Richard said:
It's a dildo !
I don't quite understand it being in the bottle though ? Would have been more use in the bedroom LOL

My question is: Who put it in there, by what method? It's quite funny.


I used to have a photo I saved off an eBay auction which showed a working red Aristocrat - and the rising lava blob looked *exactly* like the infamous tower on the "Little Mermaid" VHS cover. It was, I'm sure, the same thing as seeing faces in clouds, and yet anyone who looked at the photo 'got it' immediately. "Whoa, there's a ---- in that lava lamp!!"

Love your modded lamp, Krissy. That's one'a them pyrex glass ones, yes? Those look awesome to look at, but I don't think they'd be awesome to use - not because they're glass (pyrex is REALLY strong and they're solid glass) but because they're hard as a rock and cold.

ive seen some b4 but never like that lol

Richard said:
It's a dildo !
I don't quite understand it being in the bottle though ? Would have been more use in the bedroom LOL

yes it is a pyrex willy, it was difficult to get it in the bottle tho, it has been araldited to the base, i had to use cotton tied around the top of the thing then lower it through the bottle top, it only just fitted though, i had to sand a little of off the width of the willy to get it through, the good thing is that it has had no detrimental effect on the working of the lamp, and when it is in full flow, does look quite effective, you get ships in bottles so why not willies lol

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