Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

On filtering cloudy liquid: think an N95 "dust mask" would work?

Been reading the info here on filtering, and wonder if yall think filtering through a "disposable particulate respirator" would work? These are those white, kinda round shaped masks worn over your nose and mouth when you need protection from dust, fumes, etc. The specific mask I'm referring to is made by 3M, and bears these id numbers: 3M 07048 and N95

Would try it myself on the cloudy replacement lamp the people at LL sent me to replace the cloudy lamp I bought at Spencer's, but if I kill another lamp my boyfriend might kill me! lol
But anyway-if the mask filters out smoke and fumes and other stuff from the air too small to see, think it might work on a cloudy lava lamp? Thanks for any opinions!

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Let us know if you try it. Have access to these mask.
Well , i was thinking of a pice of clothes we use for making
chees http://billedeupload.dk/photo/2011-11/c54ac48f/Groft-ostelaerred.jp...
and a pady of coal filter for use in fish tanks http://billedeupload.dk/photo/2011-11/99db056d/10627_eheim_aktivkoh...
In some of the other threads here, charcoal was blamed for removing surfactant/changing lava flow...but seems like a drop or two of dishsoap could fix that. Don't listen to me though, I kill 'em more than I fix 'em. I'm trying to change that, however! Heh!

Still lookin' for opinions on the mask question *wink*
I would love to know if this would work and if these are available in the UK. I've a backlog of lava lamps which require a good filtering.
I tried a Brita style water filter with disastrous results. The water ended up twice as cloudy and the lava flow was completely killed. I murdered my lava lamp..
AC, my partner in crime...
To be honest the pure easy filter has good reviews and is cheep compared to others ( 30 + shipping) so if you have a load to filter then I would just invest in one of those.

Yea charcoal is meant to remove contaminates so would remove some of the surf and other glycol from the mix but just adding a bit of soap to compensate for it isn't a good idea - that could mess up the water.

If those masks remove dust and stuff then they may work for lava lamps but it depends how the filter behaves when its wet as its designed to be used when dry.

Jus said:

In some of the other threads here, charcoal was blamed for removing surfactant/changing lava flow...but seems like a drop or two of dishsoap could fix that. Don't listen to me though, I kill 'em more than I fix 'em. I'm trying to change that, however! Heh!

Still lookin' for opinions on the mask question *wink*

I've used those carbon filter bags for aquariums and they work very well,but I needed to give the filter some time to do it's job, remember these carbon filter bags are placed in aquarium pumps which took awhile 4 it to remove that awful methyline blue for removing different types fish diseases.That chemical made the water look like someone poured blue dye in the aquarium.A water filteration company owner told me the best way to filter water was to force feed it thru a solid carbon filter, but that takes at least household water pressure 60 psi and up. Even those brita tap filters must need some pressure to work properly,or maybe they don't. It would be interesting to see if this would work. Or what about those hepa fliter in air purifiers,ah probably too expensive,those facial dust mask I've used for something similar,but at the time I placed 3 or 4 on top of one another to clean grey water and worked reasonably well. P.S. If you use those carbon filter bags when new,just make sure you wash them out thoroughly by rinsing them in clean water,sometimes they leach out lots of carbon dust. 4 whatever it's worth.
Ture-DK said:

Well , i was thinking of a pice of clothes we use for making
chees http://billedeupload.dk/photo/2011-11/c54ac48f/Groft-ostelaerred.jp...
and a pady of coal filter for use in fish tanks http://billedeupload.dk/photo/2011-11/99db056d/10627_eheim_aktivkoh...
Geez, ok... I will try this in the a.m. Will bring a few N95's home and filter a cloudy lamp I have and see if it makes a difference.
Cooooool-thanks Mr. MaGoo! Looking forward to your results...

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