Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I am attaching photos of 3 lamps that I have with switches on the bases.


The first one is called "Astro" Phantom Lite.  It has an on/off switch on the cord and a dimmer switch on the front.  The electrical cord comes out of the side.


The second one is marked on the bottom and says DG Lockwood V/TA/L53.  It has an on/off push button on the front.  In the photo you will see I am holding it on because it is broken and falls off.


The third one is marked on the bottom and says ACADEMY. It has an on/off push button on the front and looks A LOT like an early American lava.


I have never seen another example of any of them.  I'm assuming Jonas is going to know all about them.  If not, can anybody else help me identifying them?



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Thank you, sir.  That was quite helpful!  Australia definitely made some distinctive lamps.  In the box, NICE!  Now if you would only trade me something for that French lamp that you have and I long for.  :)

fog rider said:
The two on the right are definitely Aussie lamps. I've got the one on the right, in blue glitter, in the original box. I've seen the center one for sale in Australia a couple of times. I've seen a picture of the one on the left before. I can't recall where I saw it.
When am I coming to visit? As soon as my cousin and her wife go back to NYC and let me tag along. They know I want to check out the city. I think I'd be wowed by your collection...

     I won one similiar to the first one a few years back. It has the switch on the base and the holes, but it is silver instead of gold. Here is the link to the thread on the previous site.







Phantom Lite - CRESTWORTH Japan export - one for sale ebay uk

I saw that looks lovely condition and the bottle from what i can make out screws on to the base, lovely item but funds not good at present

Simon Lloyd said:

This French lamp has a 3 step dimmer switch on the base:

Unfortunately it's also got a big cork in the bottle (which is very perished), instead of a screw cap, so looking for an alternative solution for that if anyone has one?

What a rare beauty. I wonder what this model was called?

Scroll down on link for Info and pics of the Phantom. 


I have 2 of these lamps (no box or paperwork).  They are in good condition except cloudy.  Has anyone figured out how to get the tops off?  Are they screwed on or glued on?  I have tried (gently) but would like to know how so I can refill them.


Simon Lloyd said:

I have 2 of these without boxes and papers.  I have tried to figure out how to get the top off as both are cloudy.  Does anyone know if these are glued on tops or screwed on?  I have tried gently but I don't want to break or bend the metal cap (copper cone).  Thanks.


The metal lid will be glues to the plastic bottle lid. The whole thing will be screwed onto the bottle. Using the heat from a hairdryer followed by a firm unscrewing motion should work.

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