Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello, I literally just learned about Mathmos and I understood that the quality is much better than Lava Lite, which I already own a lamp from. What site do I order Mathmos lamps from that ship to the USA and how much $$ do they cost? Thanks in advance.



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I was hoping to get one NOW. >:)







Guess I'll wait until they start selling on mathmos.us! Can't wait...

We all in the US have to wait for now. They're probably stocking the store right now. Stocking the shelves before they open website.

Redstar306 said:

I was hoping to get one NOW. >:)







Guess I'll wait until they start selling on mathmos.us! Can't wait...

If you absolutely must get one now, you can always order from electricplanet.co.uk, but by all accounts you'll be able to pay less and get one with US wiring before too long.

Are you looking for something specific? If so what model?

Nothing specific, this will be my first Mathmos lamp. I see mathmos.us removed the "coming soon" sign and prices are showing up on the first 2 lava lamps. I'll wait and order from them once I can.

I am wanting a Clear/ Turquoise lamp...that is such a sweet color.

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