Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I thought I'd start a post on neat / rare eBay lava and glitter sales. Sometimes it's nice to remember the sale of a really cool or hardly-seen item.

Please only post completed/closed eBay auctions - please don't post any open sales!

I'll start off with the Princess wall model lava that sold tonight. Anyone here get this? :)

If you post to this thread with a completed auction, please try to include a screen shot, not a link. After so many months eBay removes auctions and for historical purposes, it'd be nice to see what sold.

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Perhaps if everyone snipes then it would even the playing field??  Bottom line with sniping or posting current auctions seems to be that everyone has an individual system that works best for them and would like others to go along...just took me a while to figure this out.  Some gooers are just more competitive (money, collection, ego, winning, being right) than others.

Me, I'd like to have a Goo party...come to Colorado, I'll make margaritas!

Mr MaGoo said:

As long as there is eBay...there will be sniping.  No questions.  You can read eBay's own FAQ guides, nothing illegal about it.  If you can't be em', join em.  ;p

In!  I do get to leave with one of your lamps as a party favor, right? ;-)

Jethro said:

Me, I'd like to have a Goo party...come to Colorado, I'll make margaritas!

Ebay and Auction Sniper do have some sort of working relationship. For the first year or so that Auction Sniper got popular, it was absolutely impossible to win any auction for anything without it; EVERYONE used it.

This went way higher than I thought it would.

I'm not surprised really.

 It's a rare one!
Stephanie said:

I'm not surprised really.

I might have to list mine after seeing that one!

Looking pretty good!

That would be a GREAT $$$$$ idea!!! ;-)

WeeboTech said:

I might have to list mine after seeing that one!

Rare black light reactive Wave from 1995.

Collous on UK Ebay with table, somone got a bargin.

lol how freaking sad is it that people in the UK can still get the colossus and they are crystal clear!!!?? I live within 1 hour of LavaLite offices and their warehouse and I'd still have a better chance getting one in the UK........

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