Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Ok, so I got a killer deal on a colossus because it is cloudy. I brought it home last night and set it up and it is most definitely cloudy! I've had two lamps that were delivered cloudy, a giant, and a wizard. Both cleared up on their own within a few weeks. I was hoping this one would do the same, especially with the recent heat waves. When I got home I jumped on this site and searched for every and all information about colossus-es. (?)

First, I didn't know they were china made until I read it here. I know china lamps don't always clear up. So now I'm a bit worried. I am terrified to open it up and mess with it. My plan is to run it for several weeks and see what happens. Not much of a plan... But I was hoping to get advice on a plan "b".

Should I buy a filter and try that route with the liquid? Or go straight to the goo kit? I guess the people that make the kits are pretty local to me. Although I know they are on vacation. Which is ok because I do want to give it a while to clear on its own...

However, If any of you with experience with goo kits and the like live in SoCal, I'd be willing to pay you to clear it up for me. That is, if it doesn't clear on its own...

Ok, I'm babbling... Sorry. Thanks for the help. :)

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I just want to say that, if running it, filtering it, replacing the liquid, and/or liquid-swapping it don't work...I'll buy it off of you if you want. :p

But honestly, if all else fails, I would keep it and kit it.

I AM SO AFRAID TO MESS WITH IT! I almost feel like I would rather sell it to someone who won't mess it up, then trying myself.. But I am gonna give it a long time to clear on its own... I suppose you aren't local to So Cal are you... I've seen what you can do and I'd sleep well knowing I could commission you for the job. :)

It is possable to filter a collous but it really is a monster job, check out this disscusion on how Matt filterd his collousous.


If I were to do it I would get a number of the filters he used, some kind of massive container (i.e. plastic oil drum thing) and a bucket for the wax as well as somwhere you can do the project in. 

It is also advised to think about getting one two china 52oz lamps to replace some of the fluid and wax lossed in the process. 

You could also just make your own liquid .. That would be "easier" i think .. You just need some Destilled Water, SLES and Glycerin/Propylene Glycol/Fog Juice .. :)

Oh, sorry, I missed this. And no, I'm way over here near Atlanta. :p I would be way more afraid to mess up someone else's lamp than to mess up my own!

Jennifer said:

I AM SO AFRAID TO MESS WITH IT! I almost feel like I would rather sell it to someone who won't mess it up, then trying myself.. But I am gonna give it a long time to clear on its own... I suppose you aren't local to So Cal are you... I've seen what you can do and I'd sleep well knowing I could commission you for the job. :)
Thanks for all the input guys. I saw that thread from Matt. He must be the expert. I bugged him to be my "friend" on here them I'm gonna pick his brain a little if he'll let me.... I did a little research on the filters. They are pricey!!! I can do 7hours, but I am gonna have to budget the filter purchase. I blew my play money an the lamp. :)

I wouldn't touch it...for now. Run it for 1-2 months and see what happens. Matt is indeed the only person on here who owns and runs one of these (that I know of), so you're right to ask him questions.

Don't open it! 

And yes, take it from someone who bought a cheaper filter... it wasn't worth it. MSR is the way to go, but it's going to take FOREVER to filter that thing. 

How far did u travel to get it andto how muchto did uthe pay forfor it? Just curious. Those are quite large
The guy was not a collector. He got the lamp from his ex-roomate as a patrial payment on rent past due. He was only asking $225, but after talking through texts for about a week, he came down to $200 and a chainmaille cuff for him and an art glass necklace for his mom. How sweet huh? Since I make art glass beads and do chainmaille also, it was a sweet deal!!! I had to drive about 75 miles one way, but I had other things to get done along the way. So it wasn't too bad. :). I'd have driven a lot further if I had to. It's still pretty cloudy, but I'm gonna do what Erin said and give it at least 2 months before I start worrying.
Thats a good deal either way. Can't go wrong with that.

I filtered mine in about 3 hours...worked out great!  Before filtering it was so bad I could not even see the goo.  I used a water filter into a bucket and then back.  Filter is shot tho...

Good luck and let me know if you need more info.

Cheers, Jethro

If you decide to filter it use the msr filter pump without the carbon filter. Its kind of hard to find the one without the carbon filter these days, but its needed. If you filter it only do it one time, maybe two. Do not melt the wax and remove it. Multiple tamperings can weaken the glass and cause it to break.

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