Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Ebayniacs? Anybody? Please help me understand this...

Ordered a goo kit on Ebay. UPS tracking number shows up as "Invalid". Magmatower10 response is (quote):

"checking on it.  somebody fatfingered the numbers."

- magmatower10
Sooooooooo-My question is: Can anyone else think of a scenario involving UPS and Ebay which even CALLS FOR manual entry of tracking numbers? I can't! Everything is scanned, numbers are all computer generated.  I know I should jus re-ask magmatower, but at this point I'm feeling suspicious of their replies.  I'm hoping one of you can be the voice of reason, and tell me something to knock me off my suspicion-like HOW it could even possibly happen? Thanks yall-

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I think I remember seeing that they have a new sales contact (withing the last few months)  They need to really get their act together.

Jus said:

I hate to hear that, Loren!  They have a serious problem there, dang! 

And they don't even apologize, or even say thanks for the business! 

They should hire ME-I'd whip that place into shape!

As I expected, its quite hard to go wrong when making goo kits from our perspective

Jus said:

Yep Tim, to a "T" the directions were followed.

They usually come out fine, but I have recently noticed a rather wide variance between different batches of goo. For a while I had to label them 'slow' and 'fast' so that I could mix them to try and get the right flow. If I hadn't had a quart of each, I would have been SOL. In fact I did have to let 1-2 of the 'fast' lamps go before I figured out what was going on. I have offered to repair these lamps, but so far nobody has taken me up on it.

Tim Gill said:

As I expected, its quite hard to go wrong when making goo kits from our perspective

Jus said:

Yep Tim, to a "T" the directions were followed.

Tim-not sure what you mean...

Do you mean it's hard to go wrong when making our lamps using goo kit? Cuz yes, I agree.  Simple instructions, very easy.

I definitely agree with Loren. The goo in the youtube video (the one w/5 lamps going at once) is flowing NOTHING like the goo I got.  That video shows some interesting, stretchy flow.  This goo I've been toying with-the contaminated goo-wouldn't move at all until I added epsom salt.  Then, the flow I got is what I consider very dull-big, round blobs.  Interesting to note-I've been adding Dawn dishsoap in INCREDIBLE quantities in an attempt to alter the shape/flow of the blobs.  I'm amazed that upwards of 1.5 teaspoons of dish soap have not destroyed the wax.  Nor permanently altered the flow.  Nor clouded the tap water.  It changes to long stretchy for a minute or so, then reverts back to fat blobs.  No wax sticking to sides of glass, like happens PRONTO if you put even a drop too much Dawn into a LL lamp.  That's happened to me a few times, which is why I can't believe I can pour regular, blue Dawn in and MT wax is basically unaffected.  I just turned the lamp on after letting it cool all night.  I will post video to show you how the lamp runs after all the assaults I have dished out in my attempt to alter the flow (same lamp as in the video on page 6).  Since adding the pg. 6 video, I have: 

  • Let lamp cool, scrubbed the surface of the cooled wax to dislodge the layer of gak which had settled and collected in a fuzzy white layer, dumped the dirty water
  • Refilled with tap water
  • Once wax heated up and domed, added epsom salt solution
  • Added approx. 1/4 t. MT surf
  • Added 2 drops of generic Simple Green solution (undiluted) jus for kicks-almost zero change noted
  • Added Dawn dish soap-first a drop at a time, then actually poured it in from a small measuring cup
  • Did I mention at one point, out of frustration and assuming it was a lost cause, I shook the whole thing vigorously, like you shake a bottle of salad dressing.  It looked like a thick soup of countless tiny wax globules.
  • After settling out and cooling, scrubbed surface of wax again, dumped water and refilled w/ tap water
  • Added Epsom salt and more Dawn
  • Cooled lamp overnight

jus turned it back on, and here's how it looks:Tune in later for "As the Goo Turns"... 


I've posted the results in the new thread Check out this flow! ---I'm amazed!


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